Workshop: Territorial Marketing: Strategies and New Perspectives

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the workshop is to provide the students with the tools they need to create and develop projects of territorial marketing, strengthening their skills in the field of communication strategies.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the workshop, the students will have acquired a secure knowledge of the territorial marketing techniques and will be able to develop projects for the enhancement and promotion applied to single cases studies.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
· What is the territorial marketing and how it works
· Introduction to the main theme of the workshop
· Research and market analysis: identifying the basics for a new creative idea
· What is the "concept" related to a communication project
· The scientific board of a cultural event
· Finding a location for the project
· Creating a set up for an event, and exhibition, a festival
· The program and the calendar of an event
· Choosing the main sponsors, the partner and the patronage
· Brand and corporate identity. The merchandising
· The media planning
· How a press office works. The editing of a press release
· The catalog: choosing the editor and developing the content
· Promotion strategies and some examples of unconventional marketing
Prerequisites for admission
Students in Science of Communication who are interested in knowing the operational dynamics of the world of communication and territorial marketing are admitted.
Teaching methods
Each lesson consists of a frontal presentation, followed by group exercises and discussion with the teacher.
The lessons starts from the teacher's professional experience and are completed thanks to the analysis of "case studies" inherent in the central themes of the laboratory. Speeches of experts of the marketing and communication fields are planned during the workshop.
Attendance to the lessons is compulsory (it is possible to skip two lesson out of ten).
Teaching Resources
During the class, students will be shown slides with examples of territorial marketing strategies and "case histories", in order to investigate various topics: press release, brand identity, set up of a location for an exhibition.
The texts indicated below represent the teacher's bibliographical references. Students are not required to study any volume, but consultation is suggested.

- Accatino A., The events master. Tecniche, parole, segreti e trucchi del mercato degli eventi, ADC Group, Milano, 2015.
- Argano L., Bollo A., Dalla Sega P., Candida V., Gli eventi culturali. Ideazione, progettazione, marketing, comunicazione, Franco Angeli, Milano 2005.
- Cozzi P. G., Comunicare con gli eventi. Una guida operativa, Franco Angeli, Milano 2014.
- Croci E., Turismo culturale. Il marketing delle emozioni, Franco Angeli, Milano 2017.
- Mazzoli L., Zanchini G., Info cult. Nuovi scenari di produzione e uso dell'informazione culturale, Franco Angeli, Milano 2015.
- McLuhan M., Gli strumenti del comunicare, Il Saggiatore, Milano 2002.
- Venturi R, Casalegno C., De Palma P., Comunicazione integrata e Pr: istruzioni per l'uso. Strategie, strumenti e tecniche nel secolo della trasparenza, Franco Angeli, Milano 2014.
- Volli U., Il nuovo libro della comunicazione. Che cosa significa comunicare: idee, tecnologie, strumenti, modelli, Il Saggiatore, Milano 2007.
- Milano la fabbrica del futuro, Il rinnovamento di una metropoli del Novecento, Skira, Milano 2004. Catalogo dell'omonima mostra, Milano Spazio Oberdan 31 marzo- 6 giugno 2004.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final review consists in the presentation of the projects that the groups of students had developed during the course.
Groups of students will decline the central theme in different project perspectives.
Being a workshop, there is no assignment of a grade.
- University credits: 3
Humanities workshops: 20 hours
Professor: Marazzi Irina