Physiopathological Aspects of Personalized Nutrition

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
BIO/09 MED/04 MED/13
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide the student with the basic knowledge of nutrition and its pathological aspects.
The first part of the course (Physiology of nutrition: nutrition and its innovative aspects) aims to provide the student with the main concepts of nutrition and bioenergetic, with a detailed description of the most important macro- and micro-nutrients and their regulatory mechanisms. The most innovative aspects of nutritional needs in the various stages of life will be addressed, from the prenatal life to ageing, also considering particular physiopathological conditions and sport.
The second part of the course (Metabolic diseases and eating disorders) aims to provide the student with a synthetic picture of the main metabolic pathologies such as diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome and obesity, and of the main eating disorders. The etiology, the various complications and comorbidities will be discussed, as well as, when relevant, the consequences of these pathologies for future generations. The therapeutic approaches, not only pharmacological, for these pathologies will be presented. The role of endocrine disruptors and the intestinal microbiota will also be discussed. The module also includes a part dedicated to the animal models of the pathologies under examination and their use in the preclinical setting.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the students have to demonstrate the acquisition of notions related to the physiology of nutrition, as well as the bioenergetic and nutritional aspects of macro- and micronutrients. This knowledge will have to be contextualized in the different phases of human life, from the fetus to the elderly and in particular conditions both physiological and related to nutrition and metabolic disorders. Students have to develop a critical approach to nutritional aspects, demonstrating solid competence. They have to demonstrate the acquisition of the necessary knowledge to understand metabolic pathologies, eating disorders and their treatment. They have also to describe which models to use for the study of the underlying mechanisms of the various pathologies and for the development of possible therapeutic approaches, on the basis of the pathological characteristics being studied. Finally, they have to demonstrate the correct use of scientific language, suitable for dissemination among peers and the public.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course currently not available
BIO/09 - PHYSIOLOGY - University credits: 5
MED/13 - ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM - University credits: 1.5
Lessons: 64 hours