Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
M-PSI/08 MED/25
Learning objectives
- Provide proper knowledge of the main psychopathological events in the different phases of life and of psychiatric disorders according to the current nosography.
- Provide adequate knowledge of psychiatric pathology from the nosographic, etiopathogenetic, physiopathological and clinical point of view, using a unitary and global vision of human pathology and provide the ability to critically evaluate and correlate clinical symptoms, physical signs and functional disorders.
- Provide the basis for a proper clinical approach in order to be able to analyze and solve the most common and relevant clinical psychiatric disorders and provide the ability to evaluate epidemiological data and know its use for health promotion and disease prevention in each person and in the community;
- The ability and sensitivity to include specialistic issues in a broader view of a person's health and his need for well-being and the ability to integrate the health of every person into a comprehensive and unified assessment, including symptoms, signs, structural and functional disorders of organs and systems, considering them under a preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative profile
Expected learning outcomes
1) Acquire the ability to recognize the main nervous system's disorders, psychiatric diseases and social pathologies, providing a proper etiopathogenetic interpretation, with diagnostic and therapeutic aims.
2) The ability to collect a proper clinical and medical history, including also social aspects, such as occupational health; know how to do a correct evaluation of the physical and mental state;
3) Carry out the main diagnostic and technical procedures, analyze and understand the results, in order to define the nature of a problem;
4) Carry out proper diagnostic and therapeutic strategies, in order to preserve life and adopt the principles of evidence-based medicine;
5) Practice a correct clinical judgment to establish the diagnoses and treatment for each patient;
6) Take care of patients in an effective, efficient and ethical manner, promoting health and avoiding the disease;
7) Identify the main health problems and help the patients by recognizing physical, mental, social and cultural factors;
8) Provide indications for an appropriate use of human resources, of diagnostic interventions, of therapeutic methods and health dedicated technologies.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Clinical psychology
M-PSI/08 - CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
Professor: Truzoli Roberto
Professor: Truzoli Roberto
MED/25 - PSYCHIATRY - University credits: 4
Lessons: 32 hours
: 16 hours
by appointment (phone, e-mail)
by appointment to be agreed via e-mail
Hall 60 Ospedale L. Sacco via G..B. Grassi, 74 Milano