Master in cure palliative - i livello

1st level vocational master
A.Y. 2022/2023
Study area
Medicine and Healthcare
1st level vocational master
15-03-2023 - 30-03-2024
The overarching objective of this Master?s degree programme is to allow students to gain knowledge in both theory and practice, as well as the tools to deliver competent care in the field of palliative care and end-of-life care, for patients of any age, whether as independent professionals or on a multi-disciplinary team, providing students the acumen needed for employment in hospitals, in-home care, and skilled nursing and other facilities.

The specific objectives the Master?s intends to develop include:

- an understanding of which illnesses might require, at their advanced stage, the use of palliative care;
- the knowledge and capacity to apply the principles of palliative care within a community, hospital, or hospice setting;
- analysis of patient, clinical, and research studies through the lens of professional ethics and responsibility;
- patient assessment and assignment, caregiver support;
- the ability to work on an interdisciplinary and inter-professional team;
- the knowledge and skill-set needed to liaise with social services and area nonprofits;
- the ability to properly communicate and interact with a patient facing a terminal illness and their immediate family;
- familiarity with the psychological process of adapting to a serious and terminal illness;
- knowledge, capacity, and expertise in providing support at the time of death to the patient and to those grieving their loss;
- the knowledge and ability to apply clinical-research methods and the EBP specific to Palliative Medicine for terminal illnesses, especially at the end-of-life stage;
- developing the tools needed to reflect on one's experience as part of one's continuing education and self-care.
To be eligible for the programme, students must hold a degree in any of the following classes under former Ministerial Decree no. 270/2004: L-24 Psychology: theory and practice; L-39 Social services; L/SNT1- Nursing professions and Obstetrics (but only for those holding a degree in Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, and Obstetrics); L/SNT2- Rehabilitative Care (but only for those holding a degree in Physical Therapy, Speech Pathology, Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Childhood Neurodevelopmental Disorders Therapy, Professional Educator, Occupational Therapy).
The course aims to provide the skill-set needed to work in a variety of levels of care: primary-care clinics, in-home health, hospice care, and in traditional regional health centres and nonprofits.
  • Dipartimento di Oncologia ed Emato-Oncologia Università degli Studi di Milano dott.ssa Nausicaa Sorci
    Via Santa Sofia 9/1 20122 Milano
    [email protected]

Courses list

Open sessions
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Aspetti psicobiologici, psicosociali, comunicativi, relazionali nelle cure palliative
1 18 Italian
Aspetti psicobiologici, psicosociali, comunicativi, relazionali nelle cure palliative
2 20 Italian
Cure palliative nelle malattie non oncologiche
2 20 Italian
Cure palliative nelle malattie non oncologiche
2 36 Italian
Cure palliative oncologiche valutazione e gestione dei segni e sintomi nei quadri clinici complessi
2 36 Italian
Cure palliative oncologiche valutazione e gestione dei segni e sintomi nei quadri clinici complessi
4 40 Italian
From Standards to Rules; (bio)ethics, (bio)law, and Palliative Care
1 10 Italian
From Standards to Rules; (bio)ethics, (bio)law, and Palliative Care
2 32 Italian
History of Palliative Care
1 18 Italian
Il medico e l'infermiere di famiglia come risorsa nella gestione del paziente con malattie inguaribili e terminale
1 18 Italian
Inter-Disciplinary Teamwork, and Taking a Holistic Approach to Adult Patient Care
2 36 Italian
Inter-Disciplinary Teamwork, and Taking a Holistic Approach to Adult Patient Care
2 20 Italian
L' infermieristica in cure palliative
1 10 Italian
La medicina narrativa tra cura e formazione
1 18 Italian
La medicina narrativa tra cura e formazione
2 16 Italian
Metodi e strumenti per la gestione della qualità e del rischio in cure palliative
1 26 Italian
Metodi e strumenti per la gestione della qualità e del rischio in cure palliative
2 20 Italian
Nursing Care for Terminal Patients
2 36 Italian
Spiritual Needs
1 10 Italian
Storia delle cure palliative
3 30 Italian
Terapia del dolore nella persona assistita terminale adulto
2 20 Italian