Veterinary Executive Managers in the Food Supply Chain: from Primary Production Establishment to Export

2nd level vocational master
A.Y. 2023/2024
Study area
Medicine and Healthcare
2nd level vocational master
14-03-2024 - 25-02-0025
Master Coordinator
The vocational master?s programme aims to equip veterinary professionals with the high-level managerial skills needed to add value at every level of the animal-derived food production system, from livestock production to in-plant processing, to the placement of products on domestic, European and international markets.

Teaching combines veterinary skills with the necessary knowledge of economics and trade in domestic and international markets.
The programme includes 420 hours (42 CFUs) of face-to-face teaching and 96 hours (8 CFUs) of other teaching activities.
Teaching will cover the following units:

Introduction to the vocational master?s programme
The VEM in primary production
The VEM in food safety
Organisations, technological innovation and communication

Teaching is supplemented with an internship of 250 hours (10 CFUs) and a final exam in which students must produce and defend a final paper.
The programme is open to holders of Master's or single-cycle Master's degrees in Veterinary Medicine (LM-42 pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/2004).
At the end of the programme, participants will be able to pursue careers in positions involving animal production and livestock in the local and state public sector (regional authorities, government ministries, cooperating institutions), international organisations (UN agencies, FAO, WHO, WOAH, etc.), the non-governmental sector, public-private partnerships with a role in international funding or in the private sector and industry.

Courses list

Open sessions
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
I sistemi di accreditamento, l'accreditamento dei laboratori di prova presso accredia
1 12 Italian
Introduction to the Vocational Master's Programme
5 50 Italian
L'attività ispettiva di agenas sugli ota presso le regioni
1 12 Italian
La produzione primaria, il conferimento e trasformazione
1 12 Italian
Organisations, Technological Innovation and Communication
11 110 Italian
Organizzazione e realizzazione di piani di campionamento in azienda
1 12 Italian
Organizzazione e verifica del piano classy farm
1 12 Italian
Organizzazione e verifica del piano di autocontrollo ai sensi del regolamento ce 178/2002
1 12 Italian
Organizzazione e verifica piani di controllo in azienda di macellazione, di sezionamento e trasformazione
1 12 Italian
Realizzazione di check list specifiche per differenti finalità
1 10 Italian
The Vem in Food Safety
5 50 Italian
The Vem in Primary Production
21 210 Italian


Places available: 30

Call for applications

Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Application for admission: from 10/01/2024 to 05/02/2024

Application for matriculation: from 23/02/2024 to 01/03/2024

Read the Call

Please note

Deadline for call: 5 february 2024