Initial training programme for schoolteachers

Initial training programme as per Prime Ministerial Decree 04/08/2023 and Ministerial Decree 59/2017

AVVISO - Percorsi abilitanti ex art.13 DPCM 4 agosto 2023

Al momento questo Ateneo non può attivare i percorsi abilitanti ex art.13 del DPCM 4 agosto 2023 in quanto si attendono i chiarimenti ministeriali relativi a commi 1 e 2 del medesimo art.13.

By means of Prime Ministerial Decree of 4 August 2023, enacted in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 59 of 13 April 2017, the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) defined the new procedures for the initial training of schoolteachers in lower secondary schools and upper secondary schools.

Prime Ministerial Decree of 4 August 2023 defines the initial university and academic training programme and qualifications for schoolteachers with a regular teaching post in lower secondary schools and upper secondary schools (including technical/practical teachers), giving effect to articles 2-bis and 2-ter, article 13 and article 18-bis of Legislative Decree no. 59 of 13 April 2017. It also determines the criteria and contents of the training offer, requirements of the centres, organisational procedures, maximum costs to be borne by those involved, criteria and procedures for carrying out the final examination, in order for teachers to obtain qualifications to teach at lower secondary schools and upper secondary schools in their related subjects.

The University of Milan wishes to implement the following programmes provided for under the aforementioned Prime Ministerial Decree:

  • Programme of 60 CFUs (Annex 1), open to everyone, including those enrolled in Master’s degrees (provided they have gained at least 180 CFUs).
  • Programme of 30 CFUs (Annex 2) intended for the winners of competitions implemented for those already having three years service in the last five year period, of which at least one year as teachers of the specific subject for which they fulfil subject certification requirements.
  • Programme of 30 CFUs (Annex 3) intended for those fulfilling subject certification requirements, to be obtained in order to enter the competition which will be launched in spring 2024, and in all cases by 31/12/2024. 
  • Programme of 30 CFUs (Annex 4) to complete the 60 CFUs programme (together with the 30 CFUs in accordance with Annex 3), intended for the winners of the competition referred to in point 3).
  • Programme of 36 CFUs (Annex 5) intended for those winning a competition which they have entered having 24 CFUs in the anthropological-psycho-pedagogical disciplines by 31/10/2022.
  • Personalised programme of 30 CFUs (article 13 paragraph 2 of the Prime Ministerial Decree), intended for those who are already qualified to teach another subject or who have a specialisation as a special needs teacher.

Following accreditation by Anvur, the University will issue the call for applications for the purposes of registration.

Requisiti di accesso

I requisiti per l’accesso alle classi di abilitazione all’insegnamento sono verificabili dagli interessati sul sito del Ministero dell’Istruzione e Merito. 

L’Ateneo non può fornire informazioni a riguardo.


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