Remote Exams - Law and Sciences of Legal Services

Archived notice

Waiver on the remote oral exam requirement: You can ask to take the exam in person by sending an email to the course instructor within three days from the exam date. Late applications will not be accepted.

Waiver on the in-person written exam requirement: You can apply only in the following circumstances:

a) Covid-19 positive or quarantined students. The specific provisions on quarantine are contained in the circular of the Ministry of Health of 30 December 2021, which was sent out by email on 3 January 2022
b) Students with underlying health concerns, as set forth by current law provisions
c) Students residing abroad

Waiver applications must be emailed to   [email protected], cc to the course instructor, within three days from the exam date. The application must attach the self-certification required by Rector's decree and any other supporting documents. Late applications will be granted only if the applicant was found positive or quarantined after the deadline.

Please note that, pursuant to art. 2 of the Rector's decree, students who cannot take the written exam in person have the right to sit the exam by 31 January, as established by the course instructor.