Aesthetics of Objects

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to outline a theoretical and historical phenomenology of how the concept of "aesthetic object" has been articulated in the modern world from the phenomenological tradition up to its postmodern determinations, which imply a progressive dissolution.
The course aims to give the student the appropriate general knowledge about the theoretical sense that the object has taken in different modern philosophical perspectives.
Expected learning outcomes
The course aims to raise students' awareness of the concept of the "aesthetic object" considered in its theoretical dimensions and cultural impacts.

Know how to critically read texts and acquire their contents; know how to recognize the different philosophical and interpretive perspectives; know how to express topics in an orderly fashion and with appropriate language. Understand the symbolic value of objects.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The space - real space - is a fundamental category in the philosophical and aesthetic tradition. It can be translated in different ways. In this course, we have chosen to analyse its relation to the body through authors who were in dialogue with each other in the 20th century. In this way, the spaces of power, those of historical genealogies and epistemological foundations can find a common ground of confrontation by looking at the stratified spaces in which the body dwells. Indeed, built space offers a complex experience that must always be conceived in relation to the living body, where the subjective dimension is in dialogue with the objectivity of the place.
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Spazi e immagini del potere
G.F.W. Hegel, Chi pensa astrattamente?, Pisa, ETS; M. Foucault, Microfisica del potere, Torino, Einaudi; G. Deleuze, Francis Bacon. Logica della sensazione, Macerata, Quodlibet.

Gli spazi del corpo
BRANI DI M. Merleau-Ponty, Fenomenologia della percezione, Bompiani, Milano 2003 in F. Bandi, M. Vegetti (a cura di), Corpo, spazio, architettura. Fenomenologia dell'esperienza spaziale, Morcelliana (2024; in corso di pubblicazione); E. Husserl, Idee per una fenomenologia pura e una filosofia fenomenologica, Libro II, Sezione seconda (limitatamente ai capitoli III e IV) e Sezione Terza, Torino, Einaudi.

Esperienza dello spazio costruito
F. Bandi, M. Vegetti (a cura di), Corpo, spazio, architettura. Fenomenologia dell'esperienza spaziale, Morcelliana (2024; in corso di pubblicazione): Cap. 1 "Corpo e Spazio": O. F. Bollnow, J. Pallasmaa; Cap. 2 "Ambienti e Atmosfere"; Cap. 3 "Psicologia dell'esperienza spaziale".
Assessment methods and Criteria
The oral test is an interview to test the student's knowledge of the texts and topics covered during the course.
Unita' didattica A
M-FIL/04 - AESTHETICS - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Franzini Elio
Unita' didattica B
M-FIL/04 - AESTHETICS - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Franzini Elio
Unita' didattica C
M-FIL/04 - AESTHETICS - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Bandi Fabrizia