Breeding Management of Poultry Local Breeds
A.Y. 2023/2024
Learning objectives
The course aims to illustrate the management for small populations of poultry local breeds. The following major subjects are considered: description of the main Italian chicken and turkey breeds, guidelines for phenotypic characterization, Herd Book of poultry breeds, management and rearing during growth and reproduction.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will have the required knowledge to:
- identify and assess rare breeds within poultry species;
- assess animal welfare in local breed populations;
- assess the management for nucleus population and multiplier;
- gain awareness on the fundamental relevance of biodiversity conservation in the poultry sector.
- identify and assess rare breeds within poultry species;
- assess animal welfare in local breed populations;
- assess the management for nucleus population and multiplier;
- gain awareness on the fundamental relevance of biodiversity conservation in the poultry sector.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Theoretical lectures
· Rural farming of native breeds: characteristics and size (1 ora).
· Morphological, behavioral and productive features in the most important Italian poultry breeds (4 ore).
· Organization of the herd book of Italian poultry breeds and in situ management of breeders for biodiversity conservation (4 ore).
· Phenotipical traits and measurements to assess breed performance (1 ora).
· Rearing system including the whole life cycle and examples of niche productive chain (6 ore).
Practical lectures
Practical lectures includes rearing activities on nucleus populations maintained at the Zoocolture unit in the Teaching and research Farm (DiVAS) (12 hours). A visit to a poultry breed farm for productive purpose will be planned, according to the sanitary condition (4 ore).
· Rural farming of native breeds: characteristics and size (1 ora).
· Morphological, behavioral and productive features in the most important Italian poultry breeds (4 ore).
· Organization of the herd book of Italian poultry breeds and in situ management of breeders for biodiversity conservation (4 ore).
· Phenotipical traits and measurements to assess breed performance (1 ora).
· Rearing system including the whole life cycle and examples of niche productive chain (6 ore).
Practical lectures
Practical lectures includes rearing activities on nucleus populations maintained at the Zoocolture unit in the Teaching and research Farm (DiVAS) (12 hours). A visit to a poultry breed farm for productive purpose will be planned, according to the sanitary condition (4 ore).
Prerequisites for admission
Not considered.
Teaching methods
The course is composed by 3 CFU, corresponding to 16 hours theoretical lectures and 16 hours practical lectures.
Theoretical lectures are provided with the support of ppt presentations. Practical lectures are provided at the 'Teaching and Research Farm' (DiVAS) where chicken and turkey nucleus populations are reared. According to sanitary condition, a visit to a poultry farm will be planned.
Theoretical lectures are provided with the support of ppt presentations. Practical lectures are provided at the 'Teaching and Research Farm' (DiVAS) where chicken and turkey nucleus populations are reared. According to sanitary condition, a visit to a poultry farm will be planned.
Teaching Resources
All the required teaching material will be provided by the professor and made available in the web site of the course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam is an oral test to verify the level of knowledge gained on the topics described during lectures and practices. The final mark (expressed in thirtieths) will be assigned according to the accuracy of answers and the proper use of technical language.
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Cerolini Silvia