Clinical Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
M-PSI/08 MED/25
Learning objectives
The course aims at providing the fundaments of pathophysiology, psychopathology, clinic and therapeutic interventions of the main psychiatric disorders. In addition, the purpose of the course is to develop the knowledge of the main elements of clinical psychology and their application to the clinical practice: the clinical interview, the psychic examination, the doctor-patient relationship, the psychometric assessment, the analysis of the normal and pathological psychic development in the different phases of the individual's life.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student must have learned the fundaments of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology, particulary in relation to:

· Pharmacological bases of main psychotropics (antidepressants, antipsychotics, Lithium, mood stabilizers and benzodiazepines);
· Etiopathology, biology, epidemiology and clinical i of the main psychiatric disorders;
· Acquisition of the necessary elements to collect the psychiatric anamnesis and carry out the mental examination;
· Acquisition of the elements to formulate a correct psychiatric diagnosis and differential diagnosis;
· Cpacity to recognize the main psychiatric disorders and make a differential diagnosis in the context of different psychiatric disorders;
· Capacity to collect a psychiatric history, carry out a complete psychic exam and evaluate the symptoms of a patient with a psychiatric illness;
· Acquisition of the bases of clinical psychology and their applications in order to understand, prevent and intervene appropriately on patient's functional impairment on an individual, family and socio-relational level;
· Recognize aspects of adolescent psychopathology that could trigger psychiatric disorders in adulthood;
· Main elements of clinical psychology related to the doctor-patient relationship, clinical interview, psychometric assessment, and psychopathological analysis with particular reference to the psychodiagnostic and psychotherapeutic areas.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Linea: Policlinico

Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites
Assessment methods and Criteria
Methods for verifying learning and evaluation criteria:
Exam methods: for those who have attended the course, there is the possibility of taking a partial written test while the course is still in progress. The written test will be conducted in person (in the classroom) through a multiple-choice questionnaire (4 options, only one correct answer). There would be about forty questions, to be subsequently followed/concluded with a final exam.

The written test is exclusively reserved for "attending students" and will be held only once at the end of the course (date to be determined). The points obtained in class from the discussion of a film would then be added to the grade obtained from the test. The class exercise consists of analyzing a film and a maximum of 2 points can be obtained from the analysis.
Whoever decides to take the ongoing test with the sum of the points obtained from the analysis of the film and refuses the final score loses the extra points acquired (from the film). The initial test is not mandatory for those who decide not to take it, and the extra points obtained with the analysis of the films will be valid for the oral exam. All other official appeals will be oral.
Course syllabus
The prevalent psychopatological dimensions and major and minor psychiatric disorder will be described:
Psychopathology: perception, thinking, consciousness, memory, will, attention, affectivity, reality test and criticism.
Neuro-cognitive disorders and dementias
Delirium and confusional states
Schizophrenia and schizophrenia spectrum disorders and other psychotic disorders;
Bipolar and related disorders;
Depressive disorders and suicide;
Anxiety Disorders; Obsessive -compulsive and related disorders;
Somatic symptom and related disorder;
Dissociation disorder;
Trauma and stressor-related Disorders;
Eating disorders;
Substance -related and addiction disorders;
Personality disorders;
Sleep disorders;
Organization of Mental health departments;
Legal Aspects of forensic psychiatric , TSO.
Teaching methods
The lessons will be carried out in mixed mode (both face-to-face and with the Microsoft Teams platform). The lessons will be transmitted on the Microsoft Teams platform only for those who for reasons communicated to the secretariat will not be able to attend the lesson in person.

Attendance in the classroom is compulsory for those who want "attending" status. Lessons will not be recorded. All the course materials will be uploaded on the Teams channel.

During the lessons, attending students will present an analysis of a film assigned to them, which they will have seen at home, and which will be exhibited and presented in class as if it were the analysis of a clinical case and then discussed with the whole class.
The presentation and discussion of the film can give students an additional two points on their final grade.
The lessons in Blended mode will be held in the classroom (mixed teaching method), in which students will view some clips taken from films, and then comment on the films afterwards in the classroom.
Teaching Resources
Psicopatologia: Sims'  Symptoms inthe  Mind 4th Edition.An Introduction toDescriptivePsychopathology. Femi Oyebode. Elsevier.
Hallucinations inPsychoses andAffective Disorders.Editors: Brambilla P,Mauri MC, AltamuraCA. Publisher: Springer.
Brain Evolution,Language andPsychopathology  in Schizophrenia. Editors:Brambilla P, Marini A.Publisher: Routledge,Taylor & FrancisGroup.

Psychodynamic Psychiatry in Clinical Practice.  Glen  O. Gabbard. American Psychiatric Association Publishing

Manuale di Psichiatria Clinica. Editor: Paolo Brambilla. Publisher: Minerva Medica

DSM 5, Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, Fifth edition. Arlington: American Psychiatric Association, 2013

Clinical Cases in Psychiatry: Integrating Translational Neuroscience Approaches. Editors: Brambilla P, Altamura CA. Publisher: Springer.

Manuale di Neuroscienze Psichiatriche e Computazionali. Editor: Paolo Brambilla. Publisher: Minerva Medica.

Bipolar Disorder Vulnerability. Editors: Soares JC, Brambilla P, Walss-Bass C. Publisher: Elsevier.


Stahl's EssentialPsychopharmacology.Cambridge UniversityPress, 2014. 4th Edition
Clinical psychology
Course syllabus
The prevalent dimensions of clinical psychology will be described:

· the basis of clinical psychology and their applications;
· to understand, prevent and intervene on the patient's difficulties on an individual, family and socio-relational level;
· the main notions of the psychopathological aspects that can be found in the adolescent life that could develop into psychiatric disorders in adulthood;
· the main elements of clinical psychology related:
· the doctor-patient relationship;
· the clinical interview;
· the psychopathological analysis and the defense mechanisms activated in the relationship, with particular reference to the psychodiagnostic and psychotherapeutic areas.
Teaching methods
· Lectures regarding major and minor psychiatric psychopathological disorders;
· Non formal teaching lessons (DNF): Role playing and clinical case discussion; Written clinical case and oral discussion (six groups of rotating students): anamnesis; psychopathology, diagnostic and therapeutic indications;
· Professional activities: insertion of students in the various territorial services offered by the Complex Psychiatric Operating Unit (SPDC; DH; CPS; CRA; CD) and favoring the clinical application of the theoretical tools learned.
Lectures, role-playing, discussion of oral clinical cases, and writings.
Teaching Resources
· Slides, booklet provided by the professor
· Sadock B, Sadock V. A., Ruiz P. Kaplan and Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry: Behavioral Science/Clinical Psychiatry. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Cap.31 Child Psychiatry
· Slides and booklet provided by the professor
Clinical psychology
M-PSI/08 - CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 12 hours
Professor: Brambilla Paolo
Professor: Brambilla Paolo
MED/25 - PSYCHIATRY - University credits: 4
Informal teaching: 16 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
: 16 hours
Professor: Brambilla Paolo
Professor: Brambilla Paolo

Linea: San Donato

Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites
Assessment methods and Criteria
The achievement of the expected learning outcomes by the student will be carried out through a single oral exam. During this test, an examination board will assess the student's knowledge of the topics included in the program. The communication of the results to the student will be given by the examination board at the end of the exam. After the acceptance of the vote by the student, the President of the examination board will proceed to record it. There are no intermediate tests, pre-exams can be organized.
Course syllabus
Fundamental principles and classification systems of the main psychiatric disorders,
General psychopathology and diagnostic examination;
Neurocognitive disorders;
Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders;
Depressive disorders;
Bipolar and related disorders;
Anxiety disorders;
Trauma and stressor-related disorder;
Obsessive Compulsive and related disorder;
Somatic symptom and related disorders;
Dissociative disorders;
Substance-Related and Addiction Disorders;
Feeding and eating disorders;
Personality disorders;
Neurodevelopmental disorder;
Sleep-wake disorders;
Introduction and fundamental principles of the main psychotherapeutic approaches;
Organization of the Departments of Mental Health;
Legal Aspects of Forensic Psychiatry.
Teaching methods
The teaching will be delivered through lectures, non-formal teaching activities and professional activities.
The lectures include the explanation by the teacher of all the topics included in the program, possibly through the support of computer presentation programs.
Non-formal teaching includes: presentation and discussion of clinical cases; use of video material; discussion of scientific articles related to the program; group activities.
The professionalising activities pursue and are an integral part of the objectives and results of learning expected from teaching, as they confer the skills and abilities useful for applying knowledge in clinical practice. These activities foresee the student's support in the clinical practice carried out in the services of the Psychiatry Department (inpatient unit, day-hospital, outpatient clinic, rehabilitation community).
Teaching Resources
G. Invernizzi, C. Bressi (2017): Psichiatria e psicologia clinica. McGraw-Hill, Milano, Quinta edizione.
P. Brambilla (2019): Manuale di psichiatria clinica. Minerva Medica, Milano.
G.B. Cassano, A. Tundo (2015): Psicopatologia e clinica psichiatrica. Edra, Milano.
A.C. Altamura (2009): Fondamenti di psichiatria e psicofarmacologia clinica. Il Pensiero Scientifico, Milano.
Clinical psychology
Course syllabus
Clinical psychology: basic principles;
The markers of psychological distress;
Psychological interview: assessment;
Psychological tests;
Psychological support to the person with illness;
Psychotherapies: specific and a-specific factors;
Psychotherapy: difference with counseling and helping relationship;
Historical evolution, theoretical models, strategies and techniques of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy;
Clinical case discussion.
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
R. Truzoli (2004) Psicologia Clinica per le Professioni Sanitarie. Roma: Edizioni Carlo Amore, Firera Publishing Group.

Letture di approfondimento su argomenti specifici (further reading on specific topics):
A. Fiorillo, U. Albert., G. Carrà, B. Dell'Osso, M. Pompili. "Manuale di Psichiatria contemporanea" Alpes eds. 2019.
A. Sims, F. Oyebode "Introduzione alla psicopatologia descrittiva" Raffaello-Cortina Eds 2005.
S. Resnik "Glaciazioni. Viaggio nel mondo della follia" Eds Bollati Boringhieri, 2001.
E. Borgna "Come se finisse il mondo. Il senso dell'esperienza psicotica" Eds Feltrinelli 1998.
F. Scalzone, G. Contini "Perché l'isteria? Attualità di una malattia ontologica" Liguori Ed. 1999.
E. Borgna "Le figure dell'ansia" Eds Feltrinelli 1998.
R. Truzoli (2011) ABA e riabilitazione psichiatrica. Milano: Franco Angeli Ed. (no cap. 5 e 7).
Clinical psychology
M-PSI/08 - CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 12 hours
Professor: Truzoli Roberto
MED/25 - PSYCHIATRY - University credits: 4
Informal teaching: 16 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
: 16 hours

Linea: San Giuseppe

Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam. For the course of Psychiatry and Psychology clinic it consists of 31 multiple choice questions, each including 3 answers, 1 of which is correct. 1 point is assigned for each correct answer, 0 points for each wrong or missing answer. To pass the test, a student must provide at least 18 correct answers. The global evaluation of the learning outcomes is the weighted mean of the scores obtained for the two courses based on their credits. The secretary staff will inform students about both the course scores and the final evaluation. Upon students' acceptance of the evaluation, the president of the exam commission will proceed with its electronic registration.
Course syllabus
The prevalent psychopatological dimensions and major and minor psychiatric disorder will be described:
Psychopathology: perception, thinking, consciousness, memory, will, attention, affectivity, reality test and criticism.
Neuro-cognitive disorders and dementias
Delirium and confusional states
Schizophrenia and schizophrenia spectrum disorders and other psychotic disorders;
Bipolar and related disorders;
Depressive disorders and suicide;
Anxiety Disorders; Obsessive -compulsive and related disorders;
Somatic symptom and related disorder;
Dissociation disorder;
Trauma and stressor-related Disorders;
Eating disorders;
Substance -related and addiction disorders;
Personality disorders;
Sleep disorders;
Organization of Mental health departments;
Legal Aspects of forensic psychiatric , TSO.
Teaching methods
· Lectures regarding major and minor psychiatric disorders;
· Non formal teaching lessons (DNF): Role playing and clinical case discussion; Written clinical case and oral discussion (six groups of rotating students): anamnesis; psychopathology, diagnostic and therapeutic indications;
· Professional activities: insertion of students in the various territorial services offered by the Complex Psychiatric Operating Unit (SPDC; DH; CPS; CRA; CD) and favoring the clinical application of the theoretical tools learned.
Teaching Resources
G. Invernizzi, C. Bressi (2017): Psichiatria e psicologia clinica. McGraw-Hill, Milano, Quinta edizione.
P. Brambilla (2019): Manuale di psichiatria clinica. Minerva Medica, Milano.
G. O. Gabbard (2015): Psichiatria Psicodinamica. Raffaello Cortina ed., Milano, Quinta edizione.
Clinical psychology
Course syllabus
The basis of clinical psychology and their applications;
to understand, prevent and intervene on the patient's difficulties on an individual, family and socio-relational level;
the main notions of the psychopathological aspects that can be found in the adolescent life that could develop into psychiatric disorders in adulthood;
the main elements of clinical psychology related:
the doctor-patient relationship;
the clinical interview;
the psychopathological analysis and the defense mechanisms activated in the relationship, with particular reference to the psychodiagnostic and psychotherapeutic areas.
Teaching methods
· Lectures regarding major and minor psychiatric disorders;
· Non formal teaching lessons (DNF): Role playing and clinical case discussion; Written clinical case and oral discussion (six groups of rotating students): anamnesis; psychopathology, diagnostic and therapeutic indications;
· Professional activities: insertion of students in the various territorial services offered by the Complex Psychiatric Operating Unit (SPDC; DH; CPS; CRA; CD) and favoring the clinical application of the theoretical tools learned.
Teaching Resources
· Sadock B, Sadock V. A., Ruiz P. Kaplan and Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry: Behavioral Science/Clinical Psychiatry. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Cap.31 Child Psychiatry
· Slides, booklet provided by the professor

· Slides and booklet provided by the professor
Clinical psychology
M-PSI/08 - CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 12 hours
Professor: Bressi Cinzia
MED/25 - PSYCHIATRY - University credits: 4
Informal teaching: 16 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
: 16 hours
Professor: Bressi Cinzia
based on appointment
Via Della Commenda, 10/12 - Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico - Pad. Alfieri, first floor
by appointment (phone, e-mail)
by appointment to be agreed via e-mail
Hall 60 Ospedale L. Sacco via G..B. Grassi, 74 Milano