Communication and Sustainability

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to transfer the knowledge of media within Social Responsibility as widely as possible, through an excursus of the main stages of communication within companies, in various historical moments. Social and cultural transformations and their link to the sensitivity of citizens and public opinion on the elements that make up sustainability will be analyzed: from the influence of climate change caused by pollution to social disparities. Some citizens are developing a new sensitivity regarding lifestyles and the conservation of nature and the world in which we live, and for many companies and firms these values have become a competitive tool transforming the production chain. The essential element is the ability to communicate. The goal is to bring the attention of students to the new paradigms referring to the communication of the socially responsible and the dynamics of their application within business environments. In order to achieve these objectives, the analysis of real cases of communication dynamics will also be adopted and some lessons will be held with the participation of important testimonials whose companies use sustainable approaches, so as to explain the specific communication techniques embraced.
Expected learning outcomes
The course will provide students with the basic notions of the communicational paradigm of sustainability and will allow them to acquire the broadest vision possible of media linked to social responsibility, developing their knowledge of the laws and the main regulations governing the topic. Students will also acquire the tools to better understand and approach the many facets of current issues and understand what the developments could be, also in the perspective of a future job. One of the relevant tools of the course is to show the best practices and case histories that illustrate real results of the theories presented.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Part A: Since the purpose of the course is to transfer the knowledge of the current media system as widely as possible, with reference to sustainability, the first lessons will be dedicated to laying the foundations for defining the fundamental concepts and the history of sustainability and Greenwashing. And to investigate the main indications coming from the authorities, at national and international level, on the matter.

Part B: The social, cultural and relational transformations that characterize communication regarding sustainability will be analyzed. How it is communicated today and the rules to do it correctly and transparently. The dynamics of Greenwashing and the reputational risks associated with this practice will also be analyzed. Furthermore, the best practices of sustainable communication will be brought to the attention of students through testimonials that will present analyzes of real cases and trends in the near future.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge, at least generic, of the fundamental processes that characterize the communication and functioning of the dedicated structures is required. While no particular knowledge is required on the concept of Sustainability and Greenwashing, which will be expressed in the course of the course.
Teaching methods
The course consists of lectures, within which specific spaces are dedicated to moments of dialogue, observations, questions from the students.
The lessons are carried out by the teacher also through the use of images, sound and audiovisual material to support themes and contents of the program.
A significant element of the course is the presence of qualified testimonials (Communications Directors of large groups and communication companies) whose narration of the practice of communication is an essential part of the teaching. The presence of testimonials is not limited to the presentation of the various case histories but there is a space to answer the students' questions. Attendance is highly recommended and students who attend no less than two thirds of the lessons are considered attending students.
Teaching Resources
Exam program for attending students (books):

Autore: Aldo Bolognini Cobianchi:
Comunicare la Sostenibilità. Oltre il Greenwashing
Hoepli editore (2022)

Exam program for non-attending students (books):

Autore: Aldo Bolognini Cobianchi:
Comunicare la Sostenibilità. Oltre il Greenwashing
Hoepli editore (2022)

Autore: Gianluca Maggi:
Goebbels. 11 tattiche di manipolazione oscura
Piano B Edizioni (2021)

Autore: Marcello Foa:
Gli stregoni della notizia - atto secondo. Come si fabbrica informazione al servizio dei governi
Guerini e Associati editori (2018)
Assessment methods and Criteria
The verification exam consists of an oral interview on the topics on the program and, for attending students, also on those addressed and examined in class. The exam intends to verify in particular the critical and logical-argumentative abilities of the student.
The vote will be expressed out of thirty.
The examination methods for students with disabilities and / or with DSA must be agreed with the teacher, in agreement with the competent Office.
International or incoming Erasmus students are invited to promptly contact the teacher in charge of the course.
Lessons: 40 hours