Eu Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Aims of the course can be listed as it follows:
1.Giving the students an updated, complete background of notions about judicial cooperation in criminal matters, underlining the strict relationship between the mutual recognition principle (and mutual trust) and the free movement of persons in the Area of Freedom Security and Justice.
2.Improving the students' ability to work with principles and provisions. Students will be expected to successfully apply the notions learnt during the course to practical cases, through the study of official documents of the EU and, in particular, the case-law of the European Court of Justice and of the nationals Courts (i.e. Corte costituzionale e Corte di Cassazione).
3.Developing autonomous ability to convincingly debate and to put forward arguments with respect to the subjects of the course.
4.Allowing students to acquire legal terminology skills. Students will be expected to express the knowledge acquired during the course in a coherent, well-argued fashion as well as with proper legal terminology.
5.Improving the students' ability to learn, in autonomy, new notions, in order to further develop and update their knowledge of EU criminal law, by applying the legislative framework as well as the relevant case-law, also at a national level.
6.Giving students notions which can be helpful in a multi-disciplinary prospective;
7.Developing a complete background of knowledge and competences for professional careers, especially for those which deals with Criminal Law.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course, students will be expected to have acquired: (i) an adequate knowledge and understanding of the European integration process and of the rules and principles which regulate the judicial cooperation in criminal matters between the EU Member States; (ii) the ability to work with principles and legal rules, as well as to apply the notions learnt to practical cases; (iii) the ability to interpret the legal rules studied and to take properly argued and legally sound positions on the subjects of the course; (iv) a deep knowledge of the legal terminology related to the matter of the course; (v) the basic skills to further develop and update their knowledge of EU law, especially in the field of the course.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
L'insegnamento si propone di fornire una conoscenza approfondita della cooperazione giudiziaria in materia penale, sia dal punto di vista del diritto dell'Unione europea, sia sotto il profilo della disciplina processuale penale.
Nella prima parte del corso, l'attenzione sarà focalizzata sui meccanismi di cooperazione giudiziaria penale che trovano base giuridica nell'art. 82 TFUE, con particolare riguardo al principio del riconoscimento reciproco delle decisioni penali (recentemente recepito anche nel titolo I-bis del Libro XI del codice di procedura penale).
Un esame particolare sarà dedicato al principio del ne bis in idem e alla decisione quadro sulla prevenzione e risoluzione dei conflitti di giurisdizione, nonché alla decisione quadro sul mandato di arresto europeo.
La seconda parte del corso tratterà la disciplina inerente ai rapporti giurisdizionali con le autorità straniere (libro XI del codice di procedura penale): l'estradizione; le rogatorie internazionali; gli effetti delle sentenze penali straniere e l'esecuzione all'estero delle sentenze penali italiane; il trasferimento dei procedimenti penali. Si analizzeranno, quindi, i seguenti strumenti di collaborazione giudiziaria in ambito europeo: l'ordine europeo di indagine penale; le squadre investigative comuni; l'ordine europeo di protezione delle vittime; i provvedimenti ablativi di blocco dei beni, sequestro probatorio e confisca; gli organismi di coordinamento tra autorità giudiziarie (Eurojust) e di polizia (Europol); l'istituzione della Procura europea (EPPO).
Sempre in ambito europeo, sul piano del ravvicinamento delle legislazioni processuali nazionali, specie mediante la predisposizione di norme minime inerenti ai diritti della persona, saranno esaminate le direttive, elaborate dal legislatore dell'Unione europea e recepite in ambito nazionale, a tutela dell'indagato e dell'imputato nei procedimenti penali e quelle a tutela della vittima di reato.

No special programs foreseen for Erasmus students.
Prerequisites for admission
The course is addressed to those students who have already passed the EU Law exam and the Criminal Procedure exam.
Teaching methods
The course is held through lectures. Attendance allows students to acquire all the notions which are necessary to pass the exam.
Lectures might be held by scholars, experts, lawyers, chosen for their special competences.
Judgments given by the European Court of Justice or by Italian Courts (such as Corte Costituzionale or Corte di Cassazione) will be analysed with attending students, who may be requested to present their contents in class.
Teaching Resources
C. Amalfitano, Commenti agli artt. 82-83 TFUE, in A. TIZZANO (ed), Fonti del diritto - Trattati dell'Unione europea, Milano, 2014.
M. Chiavario - A. Perduca, International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters, Giappichelli, 2022.

The recommended textbooks, although essential, are not sufficient. Lectures and other reading materi-al (both EU acts and case law indicated and/or distributed in class) represent an important part of the program. Attendance is therefore highly recommended.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam will be oral, and the grade will be expressed in thirtieths (/30), with the possibility of attributing honours. The criteria for assessing the oral exam include the correctness of the contents, the clarity of the argumentations put forward, the ability to provide a critical analysis and to work with principles and notions. For attending students, their presentations will be considered. They also take into account the active participation of the students during the lessons.
IUS/14 - EUROPEAN UNION LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Monday and Wednesday h. 18 (by appointment via email)
Department "Cesare Beccaria" (Criminal Sciences Section)