Fashion Communication and Publishing

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide general knowledge of publishing, journalism and fashion communication in Italy and abroad. Useful tools will be provided to help framing historical context and development of communication.
In addition, the course would focus on practical aspects of fashion journalism. Students will learn how to write a fashion story, a front of book piece, a reportage on fashion shows, as well as compose or construe a press release.
An emphasis on new media, along with the visual and writing differences with respect to the printed press, would be also analyzed.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge: knowledge of historical features of publishing and fashion communication in Italy and abroad.
Knowledge of Italian and international publishing companies that deal with fashion.
Skills: knowledge of practical and specific issues of professions related to fashion communication. Special focus on writing and working in a fashion environment.
Students would be able to develop a career-path, whether in editorial or communication field. This would be accomplished by knowing how to pen an article, a press release or developing digital contents.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Writing about fashion
The course is divided into a single 40-hour module. The combination of theoretical and practical lessons aims to provide tools for understanding the fashion world either from a journalistic or a public relation perspective.
The students would be able to write an article, a fashion report, a press release, as well as acknowlegde the seasons of fashion. A panoramic view of today's brands along with the major international publishing houses would be also provided.
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
The lessons will be supported by materials - mostly pdf - useuful to understand today's fashion world. Writing articles - in class or as a homework - would also be a costant practise. Attendance is highly recommended.
Teaching Resources
Attending studends
Exam 6 credits

A) Study of the topics discussed during the course, and the issue of Zone Moda Journal: Moda e Comunicazione Vol. 12 n.1, Invited Essays ( click "Archives")
B) Textbooks: Carlo Mazzanti, Strategia della comunicazione e tecniche dell'ufficio stampa, Ed. Mazzanti Libri, 2017; Sofia Gnoli, Moda: dalla nascita della couture a oggi, Carrocci Editore, 2020
C) Study of the series Italian Fashion from A To Z available on You Tube
D) One additional textbook chosen from the followings:
- Grazia d'Annunzio, Sara Martin, Ciak si sfila: i defilé di moda in trenta film, Postmedia Books, 2023
- Emanuela Scarpellini, La stoffa dell'Italia, Laterza, 2017

Non-attending students
Exam 6 credits

A) Textbooks: Carlo Mazzanti, Strategia della comunicazione e tecniche dell'ufficio stampa, Ed. Mazzanti Libri, 2017; Sofia Gnoli, Moda: dalla nascita della couture a oggi, Carrocci Editore, 2020
B) Study of the web series Italian Fashion from A to Z available on You Tube
C) Study of the notes collected from the attending students and the issue of Zone Moda Journal: Fashion and Communication, Vol. 12 n.1 Invited Essays ( click "Archives")
D) Two additional textbooks chosen from the followings:
- Hélène Blignaut e Luisa Ciuni, La comunicazione di moda. Significati e Metodologie, Franco Angeli, 2012
- Grazia d'Annunzio, Sara Martin, Ciak si sfila: i defilé di moda in trenta film, Postmedia Books, 2023
- Emanuela Scarpellini, La stoffa dell'Italia, Laterza, 2017
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an oral test on the aforementioned books and web series (check Bibliography) and the topics discussed during the course. For non-attended students, obtaining notes on the topics is mandatory.
M-STO/04 - CONTEMPORARY HISTORY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Educational website(s)