Field Course

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
GEO/10 GEO/11 GEO/12
Learning objectives
Knowledge and understanding: learn how to plan, design, execute and interpret a geophysical survey, from the selection of the methods to be applied to the interpretation of results.
Applying knowledge and understanding: the acquired knowledge allows to approach correctly the planning, design, execution and interpretation of a geophysical survey and to clearly communicate the results.
Expected learning outcomes
Making judgements: the student is able to design and plan a geophysical survey, e.g. selecting the most appropriate geophysical methodologies, acquisition settings and survey layout; furthermore, the student is able to evaluate the optimal processing and interpretation approaches for solving a geophysical problem and the best way of presenting the results.
Communication skills: The student is able to clearly communicate the results of a geophysical survey, both orally and with a written report that illustrate data acquisition, processing and interpretation.
Learning skills: Give the student the ability to learn autonomously topics that can not be dealt with during the lessons/field acquisition, due to the limited time available, and also give him/her the ability to deepen the ones discussed.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The field course will be carried out within one of the geophysical research projects ongoing at the time of the course unit. As such, the methodologies applied during the course unit will vary from year to year. Nevertheless, the following topics will be taught in each course unit:
· Selection of the most appropriate geophysical methodology and survey design
· Survey planning and how to get permissions for executing measurements
· How to operate and set geophysical instruments
· Processing and inversion software
· How to handle and store data appropriately
· How to write a report and present it
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of the geophysical methods to be applied in the field.
Teaching methods
Theoretical lectures and field demonstrations for teaching how to operate the instruments. Supervision during the field campaign, which will be led by the students.
Teaching Resources
Material will be available during the course
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written report summarizing the field campaign; oral presentation and discussion of the students' report and oral exam.
The final assessment will be based on the following criteria: knowledge of the applied methods; critical reasoning and in-depth analysis of the performed activities; clarity, scientific rigor and completeness of the written and oral presentation of the work, with the use of specialistic lexicon; skill in the scientific discussion and argumentation.
Practicals with elements of theory: 60 hours
Lessons: 8 hours
Professor: Fiandaca Gianluca