General Pedagogy

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
1. Provide the basic elements of Pedagogical Sciences with special reference to the teaching/learning processes declined in the area of Earth Sciences and Biosciences in secondary school.

2. Historical background and current issues of the role and profession of the secondary school teacher, with particular reference to the teaching and communication of Biogeosciences.
Expected learning outcomes
1.Understanding of the role of educational sciences, and in particular pedagogy, in the analysis and design of school contexts and educational action in the field of Earth Sciences and Biogeosciences.
2.Knowledge and understanding of the main issues related to the definition of the teacher's professional role and profile.
3.Ability to use the theoretical references and operational tools typical of scientific disciplines (observation, documentation) essential for understanding the characteristics of the school context, subjects and relationships related to the teaching-learning processes of Earth Sciences and Biosciences.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
After an initial excursus on the current debate in the pedagogical field, the theoretical references essential to understand the dimensions and variables implicit in the teaching-learning process will be discussed, with specific reference to Biogeosciences.
The course will address the issues of the teacher / pupil relationship related to classroom management and all the relational, affective, cognitive, social and cultural aspects (and their mutual interrelations) that connote the life of class with particular reference to secondary school and scientific disciplines. The theoretical knowledge and operative tools connected to the observation techniques (for example in the scientific laboratory) to understand the characteristics of the scholastic context, with specific references to Earth Sciences and Biosciences, will be presented. The themes of the class group, the personal and context variables that intervene in the educational relationship, individual and group work, relationships with colleagues and families will be presented. Finally, the specific characteristics and problems of the school system will be taken into consideration, with particular reference of Geosciences and Biosciences to secondary school (first and second level).
Prerequisites for admission
It is necessary to have passed the exam of Methodologies and teaching technologies for biogeosciences or, alternatively, the exam of Methods of analysis of ecosystems. For students enrolled in the master's degree course in Biogeosciences, attendance of one of the two courses mentioned as mandatory in the respective curricula is sufficient.
Teaching methods
Lessons, exercises; video-analysis; small group discussions; educational supports analysis; individual and/or in team projects.
Teaching Resources
Personal notes and materials provided by the teacher. For all students the following books:
- Kanizsa S., Mariani A.M. (a cura di), Pedagogia generale, Milano, Pearson, 2023 Second Edition, prepare up to chapter 10 included. Other University texts will be indicated by the teachers on the Ariel website of the course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral examination. Final grading, expressed over 30. The exam will be on every text in the bibliography with the references to the scientific disciplines presented in class and proposed during the discussion phases.
Assessment criteria:
- ability to grasp the essential elements of the proposed topics and to present them in an orderly and complete way;
- ability to relate various perspectives on the topics present in the suggested texts also declined on scientific disciplines;
- critical thinking ability and reflexivity in educational phenomena and on the teaching-learning processes of Biogeosciences in secondary school (first and second level).
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Morgandi Tiziana
Educational website(s)