Historical Communication and Public Uses of the Past

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
M-STO/01 M-STO/02 M-STO/04
Learning objectives
The course aims to offer elements of understanding of the main historiographic, thematic and methodological issues related to the study of historical communication and public uses of the past The course also aims to provide lexical and conceptual tools suitable for both scientific and popular historical communication.
Expected learning outcomes
The course aims to introduce participants to the reflection on the tools and languages through which societies have related to the past and placed it in public space. With reference to the practices of historical communication, the course will introduce students to the use of written, oral, and visual sources, as well as printed and online bibliographic tools. Through the analysis of concrete examples, students will be introduced to different methodologies of historical investigation and the study of documentation. At the end of the course, students will be able to collect and read into data useful to determine autonomous judgements in the field of historical communication, memory policies and public uses of the past, including transversal reflections on cultural and intercultural, scientific or ethical issues related to it. Furthermore, thanks to the specific focus on communication skills, students will be able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors. These skills will be acquired through direct and continuous confrontation with the lecturer in the classroom and with specially invited scholars who are experts in the topics indicated.
Students opting not to attend the lessons may use the educational tools provided by the lecturers on Ariel, study the main topics in greater depth by means of specific readings agreed with the lecturer and, of course, discuss matters with the lecturer either by e-mail or during office hours.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Title of the course: History in Public Space. Practices, representations, uses of the Past

Part 1: Communication and public uses of history. Methodological issues and case studies

Part 2: Politics of memory and national identity

Part 3: Cities and urban spaces: history, representations, public uses in Contemporary Age
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific requirements different from those requested for the admission to the MA degree in historical science.
Teaching methods
Attendance to classes is strongly recommended although not compulsory. The teaching is delivered through frontal lectures aimed primarily at the acquisition of knowledge, competence and specific language of the subject. Discussion with the teacher in the classroom is integrant part of the didactic method and aims at promoting a critical attitude and the capacity to apply the acquired competence and knowledge.
The teaching is also based on didactic and multimedia material provided on Ariel.
In addition to frontal lectures, some meetings with specialist scholars are envisaged.
Teaching Resources
The course provides 9 cfu for the students of MA degree in Historical Sciences, 6 cfu for the students of other degree who want to use free credits (parts 1 and 3 of the program)

- Programs for 9 cfu: attending students (3 books in total plus lectures notes)

Part 1. One book to choice from:
- Duccio Balestracci, Medioevo e Risorgimento. L'invenzione dell'identità italiana nell'Ottocento, Il Mulino
- Christopher Clark, I tempi del potere. Concezioni della storia dalla Guerra dei Trent'anni al Terzo Reich, Laterza
- Daniele Di Bartolomeo, Nelle vesti di Clio. L'uso politico della storia nella Rivoluzione francese (1787-1799), Viella
- Mirco Dondi e Simona Salustri (a cura di), Comunicazione storica. Tecnologie, linguaggi e culture, Clueb

Part 2. One book to choice from:
- Quinto Antonelli, Cento anni di Grande guerra. Cerimonie, monumenti, memorie e contromemorie, Donzelli
- Massimo Baioni, Vedere per credere. Il racconto museale dell'Italia unita, Viella
- Silvia Cavicchioli, I cimeli della patria. Politica della memoria nel lungo Ottocento, Carocci
- Filippo Focardi, Nel cantiere della memoria. Fascismo, Resistenza, Shoah, Foibe, Viella
- Filippo Focardi, Bruno Groppo (a cura di), L'Europa e le sue memorie. Politiche e culture del ricordo dopo il 1989, Viella

Part 3. One book to choice from:
- Giulia Albanese, Lucia Ceci (a cura di), I luoghi del fascismo. Memoria, politica, rimozione, Viella
- Massimo Baioni (a cura di), Città mito. Luoghi del Novecento politico italiano, Carocci
- Liza Candidi, Spazi di memoria nella Berlino post-socialista, Mimesis
- Vanessa Maggi, La città italianissima. Trieste nel dibattito politico del dopoguerra (1945-1954), Pacini

- Programs for 9 cfu: non attending students (4 books in total)

Part 1. One book to choice from:
- Mirco Dondi e Simona Salustri (a cura di), Comunicazione storica. Tecnologie, linguaggi e culture, Clueb
- Marina Gazzini (a cura di), Il falso e la storia. Invenzioni, errori, imposture dal medioevo alla società 2.0, Feltrinelli

Part 2. One book to choice from:
- Quinto Antonelli, Cento anni di Grande guerra. Cerimonie, monumenti, memorie e contromemorie, Donzelli
- Daniele Di Bartolomeo, Nelle vesti di Clio. L'uso politico della storia nella Rivoluzione francese (1787-1799), Viella
- Filippo Focardi, Bruno Groppo (a cura di), L'Europa e le sue memorie. Politiche e culture del ricordo dopo il 1989, Viella

Part 3.
Massimo Baioni (a cura di), Città mito. Luoghi del Novecento politico italiano, Carocci

4) One book to choice from:
- Giulia Albanese, Lucia Ceci (a cura di), I luoghi del fascismo. Memoria, politica, rimozione, Viella
- Massimo Baioni, Vedere per credere. Il racconto museale dell'Italia unita, Viella

- Program for 6 cfu: attending students (2 books in total plus lectures notes)

1) One book to choice from:
- Duccio Balestracci, Medioevo e Risorgimento. L'invenzione dell'identità italiana nell'Ottocento, Il Mulino
- Christopher Clark, I tempi del potere. Concezioni della storia dalla Guerra dei Trent'anni al Terzo Reich, Laterza
- Daniele Di Bartolomeo, Nelle vesti di Clio. L'uso politico della storia nella Rivoluzione francese (1787-1799), Viella
- Mirco Dondi e Simona Salustri (a cura di), Comunicazione storica. Tecnologie, linguaggi e culture, Clueb

2) One book to choice from:
- Giulia Albanese, Lucia Ceci (a cura di), I luoghi del fascismo. Memoria, politica, rimozione, Viella
- Massimo Baioni (a cura di), Città mito. Luoghi del Novecento politico italiano, Carocci
- Liza Candidi, Spazi di memoria nella Berlino post-socialista, Mimesis
- Vanessa Maggi, La città italianissima. Trieste nel dibattito politico del dopoguerra (1945-1954), Pacini

- Program for 6 cfu: non attending students (3 books in total):

1) One book to choice from:
- Mirco Dondi e Simona Salustri (a cura di), Comunicazione storica. Tecnologie, linguaggi e culture, Clueb
- Daniele Di Bartolomeo, Nelle vesti di Clio. L'uso politico della storia nella Rivoluzione francese (1787-1799), Viella
- Marina Gazzini (a cura di), Il falso e la storia. Invenzioni, errori, imposture dal medioevo alla società 2.0, Feltrinelli

2) Massimo Baioni (a cura di), Città mito. Luoghi del Novecento politico italiano, Carocci

3) One book to choice from:
- Giulia Albanese, Lucia Ceci (a cura di), I luoghi del fascismo. Memoria, politica, rimozione, Viella
- Massimo Baioni, Vedere per credere. Il racconto museale dell'Italia unita, Viella
- Filippo Focardi, Bruno Groppo (a cura di), L'Europa e le sue memorie. Politiche e culture del ricordo dopo il 1989, Viella

International and Erasmus students are invited to promptly get in touch with the professors in order to arrange a reading plan (available also in English) for exam preparation.
Assessment methods and Criteria
- Method: oral exam
- Type of examination: oral interrogation
- Evaluation criteria: capacity to demonstrate and elaborate knowledge; capacity for critical reflection on the completed work; quality of exposition, competence in the use of specialised lexicon, efficacy, clarity.
- Type of evaluation method: mark in 30s
The format of the exam for students with disabilities should be arranged in advance with the professor, as well as the relevant office.
M-STO/01 - MEDIEVAL HISTORY - University credits: 3
M-STO/02 - MODERN HISTORY - University credits: 3
M-STO/04 - CONTEMPORARY HISTORY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Baioni Massimo
Wednesday, h 12,30-15,30, by e-mail appointment. It is also possible to arrange a reception on the teams platform
Sector A, Top Floor, Room 18, via Festa del Perdono, 7