Integrated Systems Physiology

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course is aimed to enhance knowledge in the functional integration of organ systems for the maintenance of body homeostasis. In particular, the course is designed to challenge and stimulate the student's interest in how the complex integration of organ systems is necessary for the body wellness and how alteration can explain diseases and drugs' side-effects.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course the students will be able:
to recognize the role played by the different physiological systems in the body's integrated responses;
to apply this knowledge to understand the disease onset mechanisms that may allow the identification of new therapeutic targets and the design of new biotechnological drugs.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
The course will cover the following topics:

Sensation and sensory processing
Sensory systems and perception. Organization of sensory system: how peripheral sensory information is elaborated at integrated at the CNS. Insights: Nociception.

Movement and its central control
The organization of the motor system: how a brain-programmed action is translated into motion. Processes that program and control the execution of actions, their interaction with motion perception. Insights: mirror neurons.

Learning and Memory.
The neural and functional organization of short and long term memory processes and their role in human cognition. Molecular and cellular bases; neuronal plasticity; brain aging.

Speech and language.
Origins of language; language acquisition; the brain areas dedicated to language, the Broca area and the Wernicke area; aphasia; the lateralization of language; dyslexia; reading processes and considerations on the writing process.

The sleep.
The functional and neural structure of sleep control; biochemistry and physiology of sleep.

Control of body temperature
Body temperature balance: heat production, gain and loss. Peripheral and central mechanisms of control.

Sex differences in Physiology
Chromosomal and Endocrinological Origins of Sex. Steroid Hormones. Sex and Neural signalling. Neurological control of body function. Hypothalamus -pituitary axis. Sex and Behaviour.

Sex differences in Physiology, body composition and metabolism.
Immune system, cardiovascular system, pulmonary physiology, renal physiology, gastrointestinal physiology, body composition and metabolism, skeletal muscle.

Human methodologies in the study of sex differences.
Prerequisites for admission
To address this course, it is required that the student has already achieved the basic knowledge of anatomy and human physiology in order to better understand the integrated functions described in the course.
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures and journal clubs. 1 ECTS (16 hours) of laboratory exercises is planned in which simulation and analysis of physiological events will be performed by the application of softwares or reaching specific websites.
The attendance of the laboratory exercises is mandatory, that of the lectures strongly recommended.
Teaching Resources
- "Neuroscience" by Purves, Augustine, Fitzpatrick et al., Sinauer Oxford University Press.
- "Sex Differences in Physiology" by Neigh and Mitzelfelt, Academic Press
- "Human Physiology- An integrated approach" by Dee Unglaub Silverthorn, Pearson International Edition, Benjamin Cummings.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will be oral and will consist of three questions about the topics covered in the course: 2 questions will be given by Professor Castagna, and 1 question by Professor Marciani. In order to pass the exam student must answer in a sufficient manner (18/30) to all three questions. The final mark will be a weighted mean of the evaluations of the three answers and will be expressed out of thirty. Both professors will be present at the exam. At the exam students should be able to identify the role of each organ in the integrated functions for maintaining homeostasis but are also expected to understand and describe the synchrony of different systems interacting simultaneously. The ability to organize knowledge in an effective speech, the ability to reason critically on the study carried out, the competence in the use of specific terminology and the quality of the presentation will also contribute to the final evaluation.
BIO/09 - PHYSIOLOGY - University credits: 6
Single bench laboratory practical: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Educational website(s)
By appointment
Via Trentacoste 2, Milano
On appointment
Via Trentacoste 2 V piano 20134 Milano