Literature and Culture in Contemporary Italy

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide some basic categories for analyzing literary texts, both in their formal (linguistic and structural) aspects and in their relationships with the historical and social context.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student must be capable to master the basic tools of the formal analysis and of the historical interpretation, to define them in theory and to apply them in a proper and autonomous way in text-reading.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
"Marginalization and Revolt: Post-World War II Italy Between Novel and Song"
In its monographic part (Teaching Unit I and III), the course will analyses two novels and a record album: works belonging to different genres that provide an articulate panorama of post-war Italy.
The first Unit, "Living in Milan in the Fifties and Sixties" will focus on two narrative texts by Giovanni Testori ("Il dio di Roserio", 1954) and Luciano Bianciardi ("La vita agra", 1962). These novels, set in Milan between the mid-1950s and the early 1960s, depict the difficult adaptation of two characters to the harsh rules of Italy's economic capital.
The third Unit (second section of the monographic part of the course), "The uprising of an ordinary man", will focus on Fabrizio De André's concept album "Storia di un impiegato" (1973). The analysis will focus on the image of the '68 movements that emerges from the words of the album's protagonist, a petty bourgeois dissatisfied with his own existence.
The second Unit, "Introduction to the Sociology of Literature", devoted to the Theory of Literature and to the Sociology of Literature, will show some fundamental issues of the relationships between Literature and historical context, from a multidisciplinary point of view, studying some crucial texts of Sociology, Literary Criticism and Philosophy between 19th and 20th Centuries.
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of Italian literary history from the Unification of Italy to the end of the 20th Century. Basic knowledge of narratology and rhetoric.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
PROGRAM MODUL 1 - "Living in Milan in the Fifties and Sixties"
Bibliography and other didactic materials Modul 1:
- Giovanni Testori, "Il dio di Roserio", Feltrinelli (ristampa della prima edizione del 1954); anche in Id., "Opere, 1" (1943-1961), a cura di Fulvio Panzeri, Bompiani, pp. 67-194 e in Id., "Opere scelte", a cura di Giovanni Agosti, Mondadori, pp. 31-164;
- Luciano Bianciardi, "La vita agra", Excogita (esclusivamente questa edizione).

Critical bibliography:
- Gianni Turchetta, "Lo spasma dello spirito e lo spasma della materia: 'I segreti di Milano' di Giovanni Testori", in Milano da leggere, a cura di Barbara Peroni, Ufficio Scolastico lombardo, 2005, pp. 88-102 (dispensa).
- Carlo Varotti, "Luciano Bianciardi, la protesta dello stile", Carocci, pp. 133-174 (dispensa).

Supplements for NON-attending students:
- Luca Daino, "I Segreti del cuore nella Milano di Giovanni Testori", in Massimo Prada, Giuseppe Sergio (a cura di), "Italiani di Milano. Studi in onore di Silvia Morgana", Ledizioni, Milano, 2017, pp. 729-745 (dispensa).
- Pino Corrias, "Vita agra di un anarchico. Luciano Bianciardi a Milano", Feltrinelli, pp. 75-153.

PROGAM MODULE 2 - "Introduction to the Sociology of the Literature"
Bibliography and other didactic materials Module 2:
- Gianni Turchetta, "Critica, letteratura e società", Roma, Carocci.
The attending students will prepare for the exam six of the twelve essays of the volume.
The NON-attending students will prepare for the exam ten of the twelve essays of the volume.

PROGRAM MODULE 3 - "The uprising of an ordinary man"
Bibliography and other didactic materials Module 3
- Fabrizio De André, "Storia di un impiegato", 1973, Produttori Associati.
Information on the disc and a list of its songs can be found at this address:
Lyrics of individual songs are available here:

Critical bibliography:
- Claudio Sassi, Odoardo Semellini, "Il maggio di Fabrizio De André. Un impiegato, una storia, il poeta", Aereostella - only the chapters: "La lunga marcia dell'impiegato" e "Il processo di Faber. Pensieri, parole, poesia" (dispensa).

Supplements for NON-attending students:
- Alfredo Franchini, Ottavia Pojaghi Bettoni, "Questi sogni che non fanno svegliare. Storia di un impiegato", Arcana, Roma 2018 - only the chapter: "La storia, parola per parola" (dispensa).
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an oral interview on the topics of the program, aimed at ascertaining the knowledge of the main topics, the acquisition of the basic methodological tools for the interpretation of literary texts and the ability to apply them appropriately and independently to the scheduled texts. There are no intermediate tests or examinations with partial syllabuses; students must present all teaching units for examination without exception. The final grade will be derived from the average of the marks obtained during the interview in the individual units.
Attendance at lessons is strongly recommended for better exam preparation.
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Daino Luca