Modern Italian Literature

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims: 1) to provide student with advanced preparation on authors, themes and trends of Modern Italian Literature, through the reading and analysis of literary texts and critical essays; 2) to give the instruments and the critical methods for the interpretation of literary texts, and for the evaluation of the critical bibliography; 3) to improve the critical thinking skills.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledges: the main lines of evolution of modern Italian Literature, within the framework of historical-cultural context and of peculiarities of literary and linguistical history; the instruments and the critical methods useful to analyze and interpretate texts; the main lines of history of the critical literature referring to the studied period, according to the most recent tendencies of scientific studies.

Competencies: Comprehension and punctual analysis of the literary text, within the framework of the relevant historical-cultural contexts, using the critical literature and developing capability of selection; capability of autonomous confrontation and judgement; capability of define and discussing problems of interpretation, with awareness of the different methodological perspectives; capability of preparing a scientific bibliography and programming a research work; capability of expressing clairly and properly, using the appropriate specialized vocabulary of the discipline.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Through Giacomo Leopardi's literary works

Part A (20 hours, 3 ECTS): The first poetic time: «Canzoni»
Part B (20 hours, 3 ECTS): «Operette morali»
Part C (20 hours, 3 ECTS): The time of the 'canti pisano-recanatesi'

Exam 6 CFU: parts A and C or B and C
Exam 9 CFU: parts A, B, C

The course aims to illustrate some specific moments of Giacomo Leopardi's literary production. After a introduction to Leopardi biography and a framework of his historical and cultural context, the lessons will focus on the first poetic time (part A), with particular attention to the «Canzoni» (1818-1823), and on the time of the 'canti pisano-recanatesi' (part C), which are chronologically after the five years of poetic silence broken only by the «Coro di morti» in the «Dialogo di Federico Ruysch e delle sue mummie» (1824) and by the blank verse «Al conte Carlo Pepoli» (1826). These two poetic phases are connected by the «Operette morali» (part B), published in 1827, which represent a point of arrival of Leopardi's philosophical thought.
The critical and interpretative reading of the texts, with the focus on the themes, main rhetorical strategies, linguistic and stylistic choices and connections with other Leopardi's literary works («Zibaldone»), will be supported by the reconstruction of the genesis and the complex composition of the books «Canti» and «Operette morali».
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific requirements for the admission. However, a good preparation in Italian literature, studied during the first three years of University, is recommended.
Teaching methods
Attendance to classes is strongly recommended although not compulsory. Frontal lectures aim primarily at the acquisition of knowledge through the discussion with the teacher, in order to promote the capacity to apply the acquired competence and knowledge. Therefore, will be encouraged the participation of students, who will intervene with requests for further information and with reflections on the analysis and critical discussion of the literary texts examined.
According to the limits allowed by the size of the class, volunteer students can do an individual exercise of commentary that will be presented in class, in order to test the skills learned, as well as to measure themselves with bibliographic resources and methodologies for interpreting the literary texts. Students will find the text to comment (of Leopardi) in a list that will be published on MyAriel at the beginning of the lessons. Individual work will contribute to the final evaluation of the exam.
The slides projected during the lessons will be available on MyAriel.
Non-attending students have to obtain the materials indicated in this program and to contact the teacher via email or during reception hours.
Teaching Resources
Attending students

Part A
Students have to read Giacomo Leopardi's «Canti»; is suggested the edition with the introduction and the commentary by Andrea Campana, Roma, Carocci, 2014 (or subsequent reprints). At the beginning of the lessons the list of texts to analyze for the exam will be available on the MyAriel website.

Students have to study the following essays (the books are available in the Library of Scienze dell'antichità e filologia moderna):

- Paola Italia, "Il metodo Leopardi. Varianti e stile nella formazione delle «Canzoni»", Roma, Carocci, 2016, pp. 31-84 ("Parte prima. Il metodo delle «Canzoni»").
- Luigi Blasucci, "Morfologia delle «Canzoni»", in Id., "I tempi dei «Canti». Nuovi studi leopardiani", Torino, Einaudi, 1996, pp. 3-43.
- Choose one essay between the following ones:
· Giulia Raboni, "Ultimo canto di Saffo", in "Lettura dei «Canti» di Giacomo Leopardi. Due giornate di studi in onore di Alessandro Martini", a cura di Christian Genetelli, con la collaborazione di Edoardo Fumagalli e Guido Pedrojetta, Novara, Interlinea, 2013, pp. 115-129 [].
· Emilio Russo, "Note per il «Bruto minore»", and Giulia Raboni ("Ultimo canto di Saffo") in "Lettura dei «Canti» di Giacomo Leopardi. Due giornate di studi in onore di Alessandro Martini", a cura di Christian Genetelli, con la collaborazione di Edoardo Fumagalli e Guido Pedrojetta, Novara, Interlinea, 2013, pp. 75-90 [].

Other useful materials will be available on the MyAriel website.

Part B
Students have to read Giacomo Leopardi's «Operette morali» in the edition by is suggested the edition by Laura Melosi, Milano, Rizzoli, 2008 (or subsequent reprints). At the beginning of the part B the list of texts to analyze for the exam will be available on the MyAriel website.

Students have to study the following essays (Emilio Russo's book is available in the Library of Scienze dell'antichità e filologia moderna):

- Roberto Bertilaccio, Sulla soglia. Il «Coro di morti» del «Dialogo di Federico Ruysch e delle sue mummie», in «Per leggere», vol. 8, nr. 14 (2008), pp. 41-58 [].
- Emilio Russo, "Ridere del mondo. La lezione di Leopardi", Bologna, il Mulino, 2017, pp. 15-94.
- Giuseppe Sangirardi, "Profilo di Leopardi prosatore", in "Italies", 7 (2003), pp. 61-88 [].

Other useful materials will be available on the MyAriel website.

Part C
Students have to read Giacomo Leopardi's «Canti»; is suggested the edition with the introduction and the commentary by Andrea Campana, Roma, Carocci, 2014 (or subsequent reprints). At the beginning of the part C the list of texts to analyze for the exam will be available on the MyAriel website.

Students have to study the following essays (the books are available in the Library of Scienze dell'antichità e filologia moderna):

- Luigi Blasucci, "I tempi dei «Canti», in Id., "I tempi dei «Canti». Nuovi studi leopardiani", Torino, Einaudi, 1996, pp. 177-218.
- Choose two essays between the following ones:
· Simone Albonico, Virgilio e Petrarca nel «Canto notturno» di Giacomo Leopardi, in Marco Praloran 1955-2011. Studi offerti dai colleghi delle università svizzere, raccolti da Albonico Simone, a cura di Silvia Calligaro e Alessia Di Dio, Pisa, ETS, 2013, pp. 173-192 [].
· Luigi Blasucci, "Sul canto «A Silvia»", in "Leopardi a Pisa: « cangiato il mondo appar »", a cura di Fiorenza Ceragioli, Milano, Electa, 1997, pp. 143-155.
· Alberto Folin, "Le ricordanze", in "Lectura leopardiana. I quarantuno «Canti» e «I nuovi credenti»", a cura di Armando Maglione, Venezia, Marsilio, 2003, pp. 405-422.
· Marco Santagata, "Il risorgimento", in "Lectura leopardiana. I quarantuno «Canti» e «I nuovi credenti»", a cura di Armando Maglione, Venezia, Marsilio, 2003, pp. 355-392.

Other useful materials will be available on the MyAriel website.

Non-attending students

Non-attending students have to study Gino Tellini, "Leopardi", Roma, Salerno Editrice, 2001 (or subsequent reprints) and the syllabus of attending students below:

Part A
Students have to read Giacomo Leopardi's «Canti»; is suggested the edition with the introduction and the commentary by Andrea Campana, Roma, Carocci, 2014 (or subsequent reprints). At the beginning of the lessons the list of texts to analyze for the exam will be available on the MyAriel website.

Students have to study the following essays (the books are available in the Library of Scienze dell'antichità e filologia moderna):

- Paola Italia, "Il metodo Leopardi. Varianti e stile nella formazione delle «Canzoni»", Roma, Carocci, 2016, pp. 31-84 ("Parte prima. Il metodo delle «Canzoni»").
- Luigi Blasucci, "Morfologia delle «Canzoni»", in Id., "I tempi dei «Canti». Nuovi studi leopardiani", Torino, Einaudi, 1996, pp. 3-43.
- Choose one essay between the following ones:
· Giulia Raboni, "Ultimo canto di Saffo", in "Lettura dei «Canti» di Giacomo Leopardi. Due giornate di studi in onore di Alessandro Martini", a cura di Christian Genetelli, con la collaborazione di Edoardo Fumagalli e Guido Pedrojetta, Novara, Interlinea, 2013, pp. 115-129 [].
· Emilio Russo, "Note per il «Bruto minore»", and Giulia Raboni ("Ultimo canto di Saffo") in "Lettura dei «Canti» di Giacomo Leopardi. Due giornate di studi in onore di Alessandro Martini", a cura di Christian Genetelli, con la collaborazione di Edoardo Fumagalli e Guido Pedrojetta, Novara, Interlinea, 2013, pp. 75-90 [].

Other useful materials will be available on the MyAriel website.

Part B
Students have to read Giacomo Leopardi's «Operette morali» in the edition by is suggested the edition by Laura Melosi, Milano, Rizzoli, 2008 (or subsequent reprints). At the beginning of the part B the list of texts to analyze for the exam will be available on the MyAriel website.

Students have to study the following essays (Emilio Russo's book is available in the Library of Scienze dell'antichità e filologia moderna):

- Roberto Bertilaccio, Sulla soglia. Il «Coro di morti» del «Dialogo di Federico Ruysch e delle sue mummie», in «Per leggere», vol. 8, nr. 14 (2008), pp. 41-58 [].
- Emilio Russo, "Ridere del mondo. La lezione di Leopardi", Bologna, il Mulino, 2017, pp. 15-94.
- Giuseppe Sangirardi, "Profilo di Leopardi prosatore", in "Italies", 7 (2003), pp. 61-88 [].

Other useful materials will be available on the MyAriel website.

Part C
Students have to read Giacomo Leopardi's «Canti»; is suggested the edition with the introduction and the commentary by Andrea Campana, Roma, Carocci, 2014 (or subsequent reprints). At the beginning of the part C the list of texts to analyze for the exam will be available on the MyAriel website.

Students have to study the following essays (the books are available in the Library of Scienze dell'antichità e filologia moderna):

- Luigi Blasucci, "I tempi dei «Canti», in Id., "I tempi dei «Canti». Nuovi studi leopardiani", Torino, Einaudi, 1996, pp. 177-218.
- Choose two essays between the following ones:
· Simone Albonico, Virgilio e Petrarca nel «Canto notturno» di Giacomo Leopardi, in Marco Praloran 1955-2011. Studi offerti dai colleghi delle università svizzere, raccolti da Albonico Simone, a cura di Silvia Calligaro e Alessia Di Dio, Pisa, ETS, 2013, pp. 173-192 [].
· Luigi Blasucci, "Sul canto «A Silvia»", in "Leopardi a Pisa: « cangiato il mondo appar »", a cura di Fiorenza Ceragioli, Milano, Electa, 1997, pp. 143-155.
· Alberto Folin, "Le ricordanze", in "Lectura leopardiana. I quarantuno «Canti» e «I nuovi credenti»", a cura di Armando Maglione, Venezia, Marsilio, 2003, pp. 405-422.
· Marco Santagata, "Il risorgimento", in "Lectura leopardiana. I quarantuno «Canti» e «I nuovi credenti»", a cura di Armando Maglione, Venezia, Marsilio, 2003, pp. 355-392.

Other useful materials will be available on the MyAriel website.

International and Erasmus students are invited to promptly get in touch with the professor in order to arrange a reading plan (available in English) for exam preparation.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an oral examination, intended to verify the knowledge of the contents on the programme. The detailed commentary of the text, that will start from the paraphrase, will highlight the most significant thematic and conceptual elements; the critical bibliography indicated in the programme will offer a useful support for the discussion of the contents.
The evaluation will take into account the ability to formulate an organic response, to adopt the right formal register and use the appropriate specialized vocabulary, to recognize and discuss interpretative issues, to analyze the various levels of a literary text (structure, themes, style, intertextuality) in relation to the historical-cultural context.
The final evaluation will be determined in 30s.
In defining the final evaluation, the commentary exercises carried out by volunteer students (see the section "Teaching methods").
The format of the exam for students with disabilities should be arranged in advance with the professor, as well as the relevant office.
L-FIL-LET/10 - ITALIAN LITERATURE - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Baragetti Stefania