New Testament

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to initiate the students to a critical understanding of these crucial texts along three trajectories: 1) introducing to the critical knowledge of the "Urchristliche Literatur (early Christian literature)" (I century CE), canonical ( = New Testament) and extra-canonical;, 2) allowing in recognizing the para-literary characters of the most ancient Christian textual production; 3) applying the methodological approaches elaborated by the biblical sciences.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will: 1) understand the main textual dynamics, their respective historical contexts and the most significant moments of this literary history; 2) recognize the critical difficulties determined by the writings preserved in this collection, tracing them, synchronously, to the features of the text and, diachronically, up to the history of the tradition in which they arose; 3) be autonomous in the choice and use of the most appropriate critical instrumentation to deal effectively with the critical hurdles denounced by these writings.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Title: A «gospel not in word only» (1Thess 1:5). The first letter to the Thessalonians: the oldest surviving Christian writing.

Probably written between 50 and 51 CE, 1Thess is usually considered by critics to be the oldest writing of the "authentic Paul" and, likewise, the oldest surviving Christian document.
The analysis of this short letter allows us to critically appreciate the peculiarities of the first Christian access to writing and detect its para-literary characteristics more easily.
The formal peculiarities and critical difficulties posed by 1Thess (the unity of its drafting; its rhetorical discontinuities; the lexical peculiarities of the writing) will be presented contextually to its main thematic turning points (with particular attention to the concept of "gospel", which here appears for the first time; the relationship between kerygma, apocalyptic prophecy and eschatological theology; the emergence of the Pauline antithesis between charisma and morality) to accustom the student to a critical reading of proto-Christian textual products.
The typical and anti-trend profile of this first Christian textual product - and, overall, of all proto-Christian writing - made it necessary to set up a critical approach to these texts capable of reconciling the knowledge of the historical-theological assumptions within which these documents were composed (as a motivation of the textual peculiarities of these writings) with an adequate notion of their textual peculiarities (as a hermeneutic prerequisite to avoid the risk of misunderstandings of their theoretical content).
The development of the course will follow three Argument Units:
In the I Unit, the role played by textuality first, and then by writing, within the history of rabbi Jesus of Nazareth and the first preaching of his Passover will be presented. The context in which the first Christian writings were born, their religious aims and characteristics of literary typicality that isolate them from the historical-literary panorama of the ancient world will be the subject of specific analysis. The description of these markers will follow that of the methodologies and critical tools developed specifically by biblical philology to set up the critical analysis of these complex documents.
In the II Unit, particular attention will be paid to the so-called "synoptic question", probably the most visible outcome of the peculiar proto-Christian practice of writing, reading, producing and circulating manuscripts. At the same time, the progressive emergence, also in Christian production, of literary consistencies will be discussed, trying to motivate this process of revision and downfall of the first Christian culture of the written word.
Particular attention will be paid to the literary-critical and historical-critical approach of the Formgeschichte.
Finally, the III Unit will be dedicated to reading 1Thess' comment: the critical analysis of the text, the hermeneutic of its contents and the description of its Sitz im Leben (vital context) are aimed at reconstructing the sources, the circumstances, the reasons, the aims and the contents of this first page of the Christian culture of the text and writing.
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites for admission.
Teaching methods
The course will be offered in a lecture format (although the possibility of exercises and group work is not excluded). Class attendance is highly recommended.
Teaching Resources
To support class attendance and exam preparation, all students are requested to have a Bible edition of their choice between:
a) La Bibbia di Gerusalemme, Bologna (EDB) 2009;
b) E Dio disse La Bibbia. Nuovissima versione dai testi originali, Cinisello Balsamo (San Paolo) 2007.
Students with a Classics Curriculum are also requested to have:
* Nestle - Aland, Novum Testamentum Graece, Stuttgart (Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft) 2012 (28th edition).
The texts listed above will be used during the final examination.

Bibliographic indications and examination programme for ATTENDING STUDENTS.
I Part
* A text of your choice between:
1. H.Y. Gamble, Libri e lettori nella chiesa antica. Storia dei primi testi cristiani, Brescia (Paideia) 2006 (Introduzione allo Studio della Bibbia. Supplementi 26);
2. W.G. Kümmel, Il Nuovo Testamento. Storia dell'indagine scientifica sul problema neotestamentario, Bologna (EDB) 2010 (Economica EDB);
3. D. Marguerat, Introduzione al Nuovo Testamento, Torino (Claudiana) 2004 (Strumenti 14);
4. W. Egger, Metodologia del Nuovo Testamento. Introduzione allo studio scientifico del Nuovo Testamento, Bologna (EDB) 20152 (Studi biblici 70) [suitable for students with solid philological preparation].
* Lectures notes and materials of the course.
II Part
* R. Fabris, 1-2 Tessalonicesi, Milano (Paoline) 2014 () I Libri Biblici - Nuovo Testamento 13), pp. 13-174.
* Lectures notes and materials of the course.
III Part
* Lectures notes and materials of the course.

For the achievement of the 6 c.f.u., both the attendance and the study of the materials indicated for the first two Units are mandatory;
For the achievement of the 9 c.f.u., both the attendance and the study of the materials indicated for all the three Units are mandatory.

Bibliographic references and examination programme for NON-ATTENDING STUDENTS.
I Part
* A text of your choice between:
1. H.Y. Gamble, Libri e lettori nella chiesa antica. Storia dei primi testi cristiani, Brescia (Paideia) 2006 (Introduzione allo Studio della Bibbia. Supplementi 26);
2. W.G. Kümmel, Il Nuovo Testamento. Storia dell'indagine scientifica sul problema neotestamentario, Bologna (EDB) 2010 (Economica EDB);
3. D. Marguerat, Introduzione al Nuovo Testamento, Torino (Claudiana) 2004 (Strumenti 14);
4. W. Egger, Metodologia del Nuovo Testamento. Introduzione allo studio scientifico del Nuovo Testamento, Bologna (EDB) 20152 (Studi biblici 70) [suitable for students with solid philological preparation].
II Part
* R. Fabris, 1-2 Tessalonicesi, Milano (Paoline) 2014 () I Libri Biblici - Nuovo Testamento 13), pp. 13-174.
* R. Pesch, La scoperta della più antica lettera di Paolo, Brescia (Paideia) 1987 (Studi biblici 80).
III Part
* P.R. Tragan, La preistoria dei vangeli. Tradizione cristiana primitiva, Sotto il Monte (Servitium Editrice) 1999.

For the achievement of the 6 c.f.u., the study of the materials indicated for the first two Units is mandatory;
For the achievement of the 9 c.f.u., the study of the materials indicated for all the three Units is mandatory.

Non-Italian mother-tongue students are required to contact the teacher to set an alternative bibliography.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The course aims to effectively present, through the critical analysis of the texts, the specificities, from a critical and historical point of view, of the para-literary characteristics of the primaeval Christian writing tradition (broadly identifiable with the collection of the writings of the "New Testament"), recalling the paradigmatic value and the influence it exercised on subsequent literary history and thought.
With particular reference to the use of the methodological and critical tools developed by the biblical philology and critical exegesis of the New Testament, the course would like to accustom the student to orient himself in the critical analysis of this documentation.
The evaluation, expressed in thirtieths and communicated at the end of each exam, takes into account the following criteria:
1) critical reasoning skills (critical evaluation of the document; critical evaluation of the scientific literature; formulation of critical opinions; analytical ability; deductive capacity);
2) methodological rigour (knowledge of the methodological foundations of the discipline; ability to use this methodology);
3) knowledge of the fundamental notions (notional cognition; organization of notions in an ordered framework of knowledge);
4) expressive effectiveness (timely and non-allusive exposition; discursively organization of knowledge; acquisition of a specialized vocabulary).
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Pelizzari Gabriele