Pathology and Reproduction

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
VET/03 VET/10
Learning objectives
The aim of the PATOLOGY AND REPRODUCTION course is to provide students with the knowledge about the causes and mechanisms of the disease and the main defense systems of the animal organism and the for the proper management of the main aspects of reproduction and of artificial insemination in farm animals, with particular reference to comparative aspects among the different species.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course each student should be able to recognize and understand the causes and mechanisms of diseases and the principal defense systems of the organism and to use this information for management of animal welfare and reproduction. In addition, the student should be able to search for the proper sources and to critically evaluate them in order to solve issues in pathology and reproduction.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Prerequisites for admission
To adequately follow the course the students are requested to have learned fundamentals of chemistry/biochemistry, veterinary anatomy, physiology, microbiology and immunology
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consis in a written exam in 2 hours, containing both open and multiple choice questions. For the course of General Pathology a facultative intermediate exam is possible and it aims to increase the final score of the student. It consists in a team research with a final presentation to the class on topics of Veterinary Pathology. For the course of Reproduction a partial exam on the first part of the program is possible. The final score will be the average between the scores obtained in the two courses. Minimum approval grade is 18 and the maximum grade is 30 "cum laude" (with honors). The score will be communicated via online service and the student will be allowed not accept it and to repeat the exam.
Comparative general pathology
Course syllabus
GENERAL PATHOLOGY Homeostasis and disease (1 h) General etiology: genetic causes; radiation and photosensibilization, chemical causes and protective synthesis, alimentary causes, living agents (7 h)
Cellular and extracellular degeneration: torbid degeneration, vacuolar degeneration, steatosis, amiloidosis (4 h)
Cell death: necrosis and apoptosis (1 h)
Inflammation: angioflogosis and histoflogosis, tissue repair (5h)
Hyperplasia and hypoplasia (1h)
Fundamentals of oncogenesis (2 h)
Fever and non-febrile hyperthermia (2h)
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY of blood: red and white cells alterations (4h)
Circulation diseases (2h)
Stress (2h)
Metabolic diseases: ketosis, milk fever and hypocalcemia in ruminants (5 h)
IMMUNOPATHOLOGY: hypersensitivity and immunodeficiency, (4h)
Teaching methods
The course will be composed by lectures on main topics of Veterinary General Pathology, Pathophysiology and Immunopathology and by a practical part composed by movies, lab activities, a didactic visit to a farm. Also a practical session of bibliographic researches will be planned by dividing the students in small groups. The results of this research will be facultatively presented to the class and will contribute to some addional points for the final evaluation.
Teaching Resources
Lecture slides and some scientific articles will be provided via ARIEL platform
Livestock reproduction
Course syllabus
- Anatomy of the reproductive system of the bull and boar (4 hours)
- Semen collection (4 hours)
- Evaluation of the semen (4 hours)
- Cryopreservation of the semen (2 hours)
- Anatomy of the bovine and sow reproductive system (2 hours)
- Hormone and estrous cycle (2 hours)
- Puberty and estrous cycle (2 hours)
- Instrumental insemination (4 hours)
- Pregnancy (4 hours)
- Parturition (2 hours)
- Postpartum (4 hours)
- Synchronization (4 hours)
- Management of the sow (2 hours)

- simulation of instrumental insemination in the anatomy room with female genitals collected at the slaughterhouse (3 hours)
- simulation of instrumental insemination of animals in a stall (5 hours)
- macroscopic and microscopic evaluation of the seed: volume, colour, odour, appearance, pH, motility, concentration, vitality and morphology. Isolation of oocytes from ovarian follicles and their manipulation and classification (3 hours)
- educational excursion to a livestock farm equipped with automatic systems for detecting estrus (5 hours)
The exercises are repeated, therefore, the total number of hours to carry them out is 27 hours.
Teaching methods
Traditional (lectures and laboratory exercises in small groups).
In the frontal lessons, students are involved by stimulating their interest and encouraging them to participate by asking questions and asking them to summarize parts already covered in previous lessons.
In the practical exercises in small groups, the student is guided to achieve his independence in the manual skills necessary for the evaluation and treatment of the gametes and the instruments necessary to carry out the evaluation of the semen and an artificial insemination.
Teaching Resources
- Scientific Papers
- Slides of the Lectures in Ariel
Comparative general pathology
VET/03 - VETERINARY PATHOLOGY - University credits: 6
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Comazzi Stefano
Livestock reproduction
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Turno 1 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Lange Consiglio Anna
Turno 2 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Lange Consiglio Anna
Turno 3 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Lange Consiglio Anna
Turno 4 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Lange Consiglio Anna
Turno unico per tutti gli studenti
Professor: Lange Consiglio Anna