Pediatric Sciences 2

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
MED/38 MED/45
Learning objectives
- To acquire an adequate knowledge of the main physical diseases of the developmental age in the context of a unitary and global vision of human pathology and their therapeutic approach;
- To Acquire the knowledge and methods to manage nursing care, from data collection to the evaluation of evidence based actions and the result, to the child with family involvement, which presents manifestations and signs, biophysiological, physiopathological, psychological and socio-cultural related to disease states with greater incidence and prevalence in the territory;
- To Know and to apply the tools for assessing the clinical conditions of the child diversified by age group (eg pain);
- To Know and To apply the methods of use of therapeutic and diagnostic procedures, according to planned interventions and actions based on standards and scientific evidence;
- To Acquire the ability to apply data collection methods for the identification of nursing care needs related to acute and chronic illnesses of the child's medical relevance and to plan nursing care, documenting it according to the theoretical reference model and evaluating expected actions and result
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding:
- general and clinical nursing issues for the understanding of pediatric nursing's fields of intervention, clinical method leading to effective clinical approach intervention techniques and evidence supporting the decision making and the delivery of the pediatric nursing care;

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- integrate the knowledge and skills stemming from the nursing discipline, from biomedical, psychological, socio-cultural and humanistic features to recognize the care needs of the newborn, children , adolescents and the family and provide appropriate, effective and evidence-based pediatric nursing care;
- apply the nursing care on the basis of the reference disciplinary theoretical models to assess and diagnose health status and care needs in their physical, psychological and socio-cultural dimensions, plan goals, implement and evaluate the care provided and outcomes achieved;
- conduct a complete and systematic evaluation of data relating to the care needs of the newborn, children , adolescents to facilitate growth, development and adaptation in health promotion, maintenance and recovery;
- analyze and accurately interpret the data collected through clinical reasoning;
- interpret and apply the results of research to nursing practice and link research paths
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
To enroll in the second year, the student must have passed at least three exams relating to the teaching courses, of which: Human anatomy and physiology, Fundamentals of maternal and child care. Passing the annual internship exam is a necessary and mandatory condition to obtain enrollment for the following year
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written exam consists of a test with multiple choice (10 questions for each module) (one correct answer). It is considered passed if all the modules are satisfactory (6 correct answers out of 10). Duration 60 minutes. In the oral exam the main criteria to be considered in the evaluation of the answer are the completeness and correctness of the contents, the ability to connect knowledge and clarity of presentation.
General and subspecialty paediatrics
Course syllabus
The role of infectious pathology in pediatrics. The transmission of viral and bacterial infections. The blood problem. The methods of infection prevention in hospital wards. Insulation, positive pressure and negative pressure rooms, the most appropriate methods for washing hands and the most suitable solutions, the use of lab coats, the regulation of the entry of relatives and visitors. The complaint of infectious disease. Active prophylaxis and passive prophylaxis. Mandatory vaccines and those recommended for pediatric subjects. The logic of vaccinations for hospital staff. The use of immunoglobulins.
Gastroenteritis. The assesment of the etiology and its importance for prognostic and therapeutic purposes. The methods for assessing the severity of the individual case. The problem of oral rehydration and the choice of cases to which intravenous rehydration is reserved. Identification of cases to which antibiotic therapy is administered.
Bronchiolitis. Epidemiology and clinical symptomatology. The evaluation of severity. The administration of oxygen and the choice of its concentration. The problem of antibiotic and steroid therapy. The role of inhaled therapy.
Urinary tract infections. General symptomatology at different ages. Etiology and pathogenesis. The diagnostic assessment methods. The problem of urine collection in a sterile way. When and how to schedule ultrasound, scintigraphic and traditional radiology exams. The need for checks. The risk of remote damage.
HIV infection Fetal and horizontal maternal transmission.
SARS-CoV-2 infection The identification of the infected person. The development of disease. The methods of assessing its evolution and gravity.
Meningitis: epidemiology . Etiology different for various pediatric ages. Treatment and prevention
Tuberculosis: when to suspect. Diagnosis and principles of therapy
Fever: how to measure body temperature. Italian guideline on treatment
Upper airway infections. Importance of nasal, nasopharyngeal and pharyngeal swabs for etiological diagnosis and therapeutic setting. How to do it (methods).
External otitis. Principles of topical therapy and methods of execution.
Acute otitis media and its complications. Otoscopy as a diagnostic tool.
Nasal obstruction and its complications. Nasal diagnostics: anterior rhinoscopy, rhinomanometry and nasal cytology.
Community acquired pneumonia. Clinical symptoms and assistance needs.
The child with infectious asthma. Etiological classification, assessment of severity, need for oxygen support or assisted ventilation, need and type of drug therapy. Respiratory function test. Mode of use of the aerosol.
Allergic asthma: classification of the individual case by pathogenesis and severity. Execution of allergological tests. The approach to emergency. Chronic therapy and the need for periodic checks.
The child with recurrent respiratory infections. Distinction of severity of individual cases. Diagnostic and therapeutic approach.
Teaching methods
Frontal presentations and interactive activities In case of suspension of teaching activities in presence, the lessons will be delivered through Microsoft Teams platform
Teaching Resources
- Zuccotti GV,. Elementi essenziali di Pediatria per Corsi di Laurea Triennali . Società editrice Esculapio- 2017
- Badon PL, Cesaro S. Asistenza infermieristica in Pediatria- Seconda edizione. Casa editrice Ambrosiana
- Piano nazionale prevenzione vaccinale 2021-2023 e successivi
- Linea guida italiana su otite media acuta 2019 (scaricabile da
- Linea guida italiana su faringotonsillite 2012
- Linea guida italiana per la gestione della febbre
- Radzik D. Uso dei distanziatori (scaricaribile da
- Progetto ARIA 2021 (
- Progetto linea guida asma 2021 (
- Infezioni vie urinarie: consensus italiana 2019
- Tutti gli articoli e il materiale bibliografico inseriti in ARIEL
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
· acquire the ability to carry out a targeted anamnestic evaluation (data collection)
· recognize the main diagnosis that can be linked to the main ones
· oncological pathologies and defining the related assistance interventions according to best practices
· The diagnostic and therapeutic process: how to help the child and parents
· Isolation and management / education methods of parents and visitors
· Preparation and management of chemotherapy drugs in the pediatric field
· Radiation therapy
· Surgery
· Supportive therapies (chronic pain management)
· Bone marrow aspirate and bone biopsy
· acquire the ability to carry out a targeted anamnestic evaluation (data collection)
· recognize the main events of the BAIs that can be linked to the main ones
· neurological pathologies (convulsions - meningitis) and define the relative care interventions according to best practices
Teaching methods
Frontal presentations and interactive activities
Teaching Resources
- Badon P, Cesaro S. Assistenza Infermieristica in Pediatria. II ed.
- CDC ATLANTA - Guidelines for the Prevention of Intravascular Catheter-Related Infections, 2011
- Linee guida AIEOP per la gestione del catetere venoso centrale nel paziente pediatrico con patologia oncoematologica - 2020
- Raccomandazione n.14 per la prevenzione degli errori in terapia con farmaci antineoplastici; Ministero della Salute, 2012
- Linee Guida INS versione 2021
- CDC Atlanta 2019
General and subspecialty paediatrics
MED/38 - PAEDIATRICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 4
Lessons: 60 hours