Philosophy of Law Advanced

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to develop the ability to understand, analyse and critique the right to freedom of expression in the political-legal sphere in the context of modern constitutionalism, as well as to develop applied and practical skills and competences, through the study of general legal concepts such as freedom, fundamental rights, balance and the analysis of their functioning in public discourse. In particular, classical theoretical frameworks, such as the distinction between positive and negative freedom, and communication theory are analysed: expressive, manipulative and persuasive effects are addressed in order to understand the limits and possibilities as well as the use and abuse of freedom of expression.
Expected learning outcomes
- Knowledge and understanding of the problems relating to the definitions of the most important legal theoretical concepts, their mutual relations and practical effects
- Ability to apply the tools of conceptual legal analysis to new concepts and issues
- Critical judgment acquired through practical tests
- Development of a communication skill and excellent mastery of legal concepts, acquired through discussions
- Independent learning acquired by managing the main tools of conceptual analysis
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course is devoted to a philosophical reflection on law with special attention to analysis of normative language.
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
Classroom-taught lessons with PPT and presentations by students.
Attandance is optional, strongly recommended.
Teaching Resources
For attending and non-attending students:

1. Uberto Scarpelli e Paolo Di Lucia (a cura di), Il linguaggio del diritto. Milano, LED (Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere Economia e Diritto). For attending students: the list of essays to be studied will be announced in class by the lecturer. For non-attending students: the list of essays to be studied is as follows:

1. Paolo Di Lucia, Introduzione. Tre opposizioni per lo studio dei rapporti tra diritto e linguaggio (pp. 9-23)
2. Friedrich Carl von Savigny, Grammatica del diritto (pp. 55-57)
3. Uberto Scarpelli, Scienza del diritto e analisi del linguaggio (pp. 87-93)
4. Karl Olivecrona, Linguaggio giuridico e realtà (pp. 147-186)
5. Gaetano Carcaterra, Norme costitutive (pp. 219-231)
6. Amedeo G. Conte, Performativo vs. normativo (pp. 247-263)
7. Jean Ray, La struttura logica del Codice civile francese (pp. 281-290)
8. Amedeo G. Conte, Fenomenologia del linguaggio deontico (pp. 387-402)
9. Luigi Ferrajoli, Modelli del linguaggio legislativo penale (pp. 453-465)
10. Riccardo Guastini, "Trama aperta", scienza giuridica, interpretazione (pp. 467-473)

2. Francesco Sabatini, Analisi del linguaggio giuridico. Il testo normativo in una tipologia generale dei testi, 1990 (su Ariel)
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam, with evaluation expressed in thirties plus possible praise. The evaluation criteria remain unchanged.
IUS/20 - PHILOSOPHY OF LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours