
A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the module is to give the basic knowledge of physics that is necessary for the study of the professional disciplines of agricultural sciences.
Expected learning outcomes
The student gains the ability to formulate and solve simple problems of applied physics.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Il corso è articolato in due parti e con complementi attraverso Approfondimenti.
1. Requisiti di base: trigonometria, derivate elementari, notazione esponenziale.
Misurazioni: unità di misura (Sistema Internazionale, Grandezze derivate, USA Customary Units).
2. Cinematica del punto e del corpo rigido: Moto rettilineo uniforme e uniformemente accelerato - Moto dei proiettili - Moto circolare.
3. Relatività Ristretta: Inquadramento storico - Dilatazione dei tempi e contrazione delle lunghezze - Equivalenza massa-energia.
4. Dinamica di Newton: le tre leggi della dinamica - massa e peso - normale - attrito statico e dinamico - piano inclinato - molle - funi e carrucole.
5. Forze e momenti: problemi di Statica - Statica di un pendio - Progettazione di base di una briglia.
6. Lavoro, Energia, Potenza: Forze conservative e non conservative - Energia rotazionale e Momento di Inerzia.

1. Calore e Temperatura: Dilatazione termica - Transizioni di fase - Trasmissione del calore.
2. Statica dei Fluidi: Legge di Stevin - Vasi comunicanti - Principio di Pascal - Principio di Archimede. Dinamica dei Fluidi: equazioni di continuità e di Bernoulli.
3. Campo elettrico - Distribuzione di carica - Potenziale elettrico. Campo magnetico - Moto di particelle in un campo elettrico e magnetico - Campo magnetico terrestre.
4. Forza magnetica su un filo (spira) percorso da corrente - Campo magnetico generato da un filo (spira) percorso da corrente - Forza tra fili percorsi da corrente.
5. Legge dell'induzione elettromagnetica - Alternatori e trasformatori.

1. Teoria degli errori.
2. Effetto serra - Bilancio energetico della Terra.
3. Radiazione elettromagnetica - Natura ondulatoria e corpuscolare della Luce.
4. Principi della termodinamica - Entropia.
5. Ciclo di Carnot - Cicli termodinamici.
6. Centrali termoelettriche e nucleari.
7. Radiazioni Nucleari - Unità di misura e analisi rischi.
8 . Reti elettriche in continua: condensatori e resistori.
9. Giunzione PN - Diodi e Transistor - Diodi LED - il Fotovoltaico.
Prerequisites for admission
It is desirable one fair base preparation in the Scientific fields (i.e. Mathematics and Physics), as obtained during the High Schools cours. The learning is easier for the Students who has succesfully passed the examination in Mathematics in the first Academic Year of University.
Teaching methods
All natural phenomena are subject to physical laws. Physics studies the laws that govern the phenomena of the universe, developing in a wide range ranging from Ancient Physics (in close union with Metaphysics, Music, Astronomy, Mathematics and Geometry) to Classical Physics (Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Acoustics and Optics, Electromagnetism) and therefore to the Physics of the last century (Relativity and Quantum Mechanics).
In the contemporary era, Physics is in close contact with other sciences: Biophysics and Bioinformatics, Physical and Quantum Chemistry, Nanosciences, the dizzying world of Electronics and Informatics, Environmental Physics (Geophysics, Meteorology, Climatology ).
But it is in everyday life that the results of physics are becoming more and more concrete: the innumerable inventions and technologies that are part of living in its complexity and hyperbolic growth (from the evolution of industrial technology to the production of Energy, from medical technologies to the developments still at the dawn of biotechnology, from the world of information to bioethical and eco-environmental problems.
Mathematics acts as an intermediary between Nature and Man, and constitutes the language that permeates and makes explicit this link, synthesizing the beauty of the Universe with incredible architecture.
The 2023-2024 Physics Course of UNIMONT in Edolo has the objective of identifying the characteristics of the various areas addressed, analyzing their concepts and describing their laws and their interconnections.
Emphasis will be placed on the ability to formulate explanatory hypotheses using models, analogies and laws to acquire the skills necessary to formalize a Physics problem and apply the mathematical and disciplinary tools capable of obtaining its resolution. The Problem solving methodology, problem solving, starting from the necessary basic knowledge, must lead to the active learning of the concepts and the justification of the theoretical system analyzed.
In particular, a basic methodology must be structured in solving problems:
- Picture the problem: carefully analyze all the aspects formulated, the consistency and hierarchy of the data provided, understand what is required, schematize the content of the text with drawings, graphs or tables;
- Strategy: this is the most complex but creative step: identifying the field of physical laws in which to move, developing a strategy and a path to solve the problem;
- Solution: develop the decided path with mathematical steps, preferring the use of symbols and using numeric values only at the end;
- Insight: comment on the solutions just obtained, checking their dimensional correctness and reasonableness of the results; identify any alternative technical strategies and solutions.
The course aims to acquire the basic physical skills to face the courses of the following years with profit.
Teaching Resources
The various texts already available and used in the final three years of the High Schools can be used. However, we recommend:
- James S. Walker - Theoretical Models and Problem Solving
- Ugo Amaldi - the Amaldi for Scientific High Schools.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination consists of a written test divided into two parts and a final oral interview.
The two written tests can be taken at different times and not necessarily sequential. Admission to the oral test implies passing the two written tests with an assessment of at least 16/30.
Each written test is composed by 5 problems and one widening with open answers.
The subject of both problems and widenings will be published in advance on ARIEL platform.
Oral test: it develops from one of the open widenings foreseen in the second written test, followed by a deepening discussion of the written tests and referred themes.
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Lieta Mario Guido