Pre-Professional Interdisciplinary Course I with Elements of Environmental and Human Sociology

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
MED/42 MED/44 SPS/09 VET/06
Learning objectives
- Know the main models of economic, social and health development and environmental protection in industrialized countries
- Know and identify the processes that support or determine events, phenomena and behaviors of the individual or group, assessing their characteristics and their impact in a bio-cultural perspective, or in relation to the system or social structure in which they occur (family, group, ethnicity, organization, community)
- Develop a capacity for analysis and solution of preventive and welfare problems in a cross-cultural perspective, starting from the knowledge of the problems of the multi-ethnic society.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding of the functioning of prevention services in the field of health systems and useful elements for dealing with complex professional problems. Specific topics will include:
· Knowledge related to the organization of health services at national and international level and ability to understand the dynamics of their development
· Knowledge of some basic aspects related to vaccination in a preventive perspective, useful for future applications in the field of health services;
· knowledge on chemical and ergonomic risk factors and some tools for risk assessment in the field of occupational health and public health;
· Knowledge of some basic aspects of medical parasitology in a preventive perspective useful for future applications in the field of health services.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will be written and oral. For some courses a written test will be proposed consisting of some multiple choice and open questions; in addition for some modules, an oral test will be performed
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
- Measles and rubella prevention strategies. Vaccinations of travelers
- Prevention strategies for polio and meningitis
- Calendar of vaccinations. The successes of vaccinations
- Coverage and vaccination strategies
- Vaccination strategies
- Vaccines and
Teaching methods
The courses will include lectures with discussion of case studies.
Teaching Resources
Educational material provided by the teacher.
Occupational medicine
Course syllabus
· The effect of air pollution on human health
· Environmental impact assessment (EIA)
· The health impact assessment of environmental exposures in the context of the main authorization procedures
· Discussion of some experiences
· The effect of air pollution on human health
· Environmental impact assessment (EIA)
· The health impact assessment of environmental exposures in the context of the main authorization procedures
· Discussion of some experiences
· The effect of air pollution on human health
· Environmental impact assessment (EIA)
· The health impact assessment of environmental exposures in the context of the main authorization procedures
· Discussion of some experiences
· The effect of air pollution on human health
· Environmental impact assessment (EIA)
· The health impact assessment of environmental exposures in the context of the main authorization procedures
· Discussion of some experiences
·2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: General Framework and Challenges for the European Union
· Air pollution: general overview, focus on Europe and Italy, EU legislation and WHO guidelines
· Air pollution in the urban environment: from air quality to personal exposure, the role of road transport, mitigation interventions, citizen science
· Green Jobs and health risks for workers
Teaching methods
The courses will include lectures with discussion of case studies.
Teaching Resources
Educational material provided by the teacher
Educational material provided by the teacher and the multi-criteria tool for the evaluation of urban plans
TR 12296 on patient risk management
International guidelines on preventive strategies
Economic sociology and sociology of work and organisations
Course syllabus
● The historical evolution of the welfare state in Europe: birth, consolidation, expansion and crises.
● The welfare state in Italy: birth, development and reform processes of the last twenty years
● The Italian health system: organization and governance transformations
● Territorial assistance
Teaching methods
The course will include lectures, with presentation and discussion of case studies. Students will also work in groups on specific issues.
Teaching Resources
● Ferrera M., (2019) Le politiche sociali, Bologna, Il Mulino. Cap. IV. La politica sanitaria
● Additional readings will be provided in class
Parasitology and animal parasitic diseases
Course syllabus
- Basic knowledge of medical parasitology, focusing on epidemiological, diagnostic and prevention aspects
- some models of parasitic and vector-borne diseases (including: Lyme disease; teniasis; echinococcosis; anisakidosis), through which the basic concepts of the discipline will be exemplified.
Teaching methods
The courses will include lectures with discussion of case studies.
Teaching Resources
De Carneri - Parassitologia medica e diagnostica parassitologia. A cura di Olga Brandonisio, Fabrizio Bruschi, Claudio Genchi, Edoardo Pozio.
Economic sociology and sociology of work and organisations
Lessons: 16 hours
Professor: Atzori Flavia
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 2
Lessons: 16 hours
Professor: Romano' Luisa
Occupational medicine
MED/44 - OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE - University credits: 8
Lessons: 64 hours
Parasitology and animal parasitic diseases
Lessons: 8 hours