Public Finance

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
· Ability to choose between abstract models of corporate and business ethics, as well as to apply these choices to specific sectors and concrete cases.

· Ability to understand issues and problems within complex debates in corporate and business ethics.

· Ability to communicate and argue one's own positions in the business ethics field.

· Ability to analyze and judge autonomously on the subject of corporate ethical codes.
Expected learning outcomes
Students who will have learnt the material covered in the course will have acquired the skills needed to use the economic theory for the purpose of analyzing the main features and structure of the tax system and the welfare state.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Face-to-face classes on the following topics:
economic theory of the public sector. Analysis of government spending and taxation. The course has both a theoretical and an institutional perspective: it focuses on institutional arrangements in modern economies, and specific attention is devoted to Italy.
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of political economy.
Teaching methods
Teaching is provided by means of face-to-face lessons.
Teaching Resources
The exam textbooks is:
- Arachi, G. and D'Antoni, M. (2023), Scienza delle finanze, I ed., Bologna, Il Mulino.
Additional teaching materials will be uploaded on the ARIEL platform.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam. Passing grades range from 18 to 30 cum laude. Grades will be communicated through the on-line verbalization procedure and the student can refuse the grade and sit again the exam.
SECS-P/03 - PUBLIC ECONOMICS - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
wednesdays, 11-12
MS Teams - upon appointment by email