Public History

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to track the main areas of application and the main historical communication tools outside the academic environment, both in the public and private sectors.
Expected learning outcomes
The course aims to give students the tools suitable for the primary training of future public historians, that is, researchers and historical communicators outside of the academic and scholastic fields. Therefore, specific professional training is expected, which can correctly and effectively apply the knowledge and methodology of history in areas that are as professional as possible. These skills will be acquired through a direct and continuous discussion with the professor; the discussion around the proposed sources will also constitute a moment of critical reflection and methodological learning. The teaching will therefore be the tool to include the study of history in the context of professional training provided for by attending the degree course in Humanities for Communication.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The history around us. Practices, communication and tools of public history

The course aims at investigating the concept of public history, its origin, development and spread, reflecting on practical communications of history realized by the protagonists of this discipline. Emphasis will be given to exploring uses, abuses and risks of public hirtory. An important part of the course will be dedicated to investigating the possibilities provided by public history, through the analysis of its forms of communication and the study of specific examples. Visits to museum, monuments and memorials of Milan can be organised.

Parte A: The public history: genesis, developments, prospects and difficulties.
Parte B: Making public history: examples and communication methods
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific requirements different from those requested for the degree admission.
Teaching methods
Attendance to classes is strongly recommended although not compulsory. The teaching is delivered through frontal lectures aimed primarily at the acquisition of knowledge, competence and specific language of the subject. Discussion with the teacher in the classroom is integrant part of the didactic method and aims at promoting a critical attitude and the capacity to apply the acquired competence and knowledge.
In addition to frontal lectures, meetings and seminars with specialist scholars are envisaged.
Teaching Resources
Attending students (two books and the themes of the lectures)

One between these books:

- Public History. Discussioni e pratiche, a cura di P. Bertelli Farnetti, L. Bertuccelli, A. Botti, Milano, Mimesis, 2017.
- T. Cauvin, Public History: A Textbook of Practice, London, Routledge.

One among these books:

- M. Baioni, Vedere per credere. Il racconto museale dell'Italia unita, Roma, Viella
- M. Baioni, F. Conti, M. Ridolfi, Celebrare la nazione: grandi anniversari e memorie pubbliche nella società contemporanea, Milano, Silvana, 2021.
- B. Bonomo, Voci della memoria. L'uso delle fonti orali nella ricerca storica, Roma, Carocci.
- L. Falsini, La storia contesa. L'uso politico del passato nell'Italia contemporanea, Donzelli
- F. Focardi, B. Groppo (a cura di), L'Europa e le sue memorie. Politiche e culture del ricordo dopo il 1989, Roma, Viella, 2013.
- F. Focardi, Nel cantiere della memoria. Fascismo, Resistenza, Shoah, Foibe, Roma, Viella, 2020.
- M. Ridolfi, Verso la public history. Fare e raccontare storia nel tempo presente, Pisa, Pacini, 2017

Non-attending students (3 books)

- M. Bloch, Apologia della storia o Mestiere di storico, Torino, Einaudi. ENGLISH VERSION: M. Block, The Historian's Craft, Manchester University Press [or other editions].

and one between these books:

- Public History. Discussioni e pratiche, a cura di P. Bertelli Farnetti, L. Bertuccelli, A. Botti, Milano, Mimesis, 2017.
- T. Cauvin, Public History: A Textbook of Practice, London, Routledge.

One among these books:

- Marina Gazzini (a cura di), Il falso e la storia. Invenzioni, errori, imposture dal medioevo alla società 2.0, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2021.
- M. Baioni, Vedere per credere. Il racconto museale dell'Italia unita, Roma, Viella
- F. Focardi, Nel cantiere della memoria. Fascismo, Resistenza, Shoah, Foibe, Roma, Viella, 2020.
- M. Ridolfi, Verso la public history. Fare e raccontare storia nel tempo presente, Pisa, Pacini, 2017.

The program may be integrated before the beginning of the course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Method: oral exam
- Type of examination: oral interrogation
- Evaluation criteria: capacity to demonstrate and elaborate knowledge; capacity for critical reflection on the completed work; quality of exposition, competence in the use of specialised lexicon, efficacy, clarity.
- Type of evaluation method: mark in 30s
The format of the exam for students with disabilities should be arranged in advance with the professor, as well as the relevant office.
M-STO/04 - CONTEMPORARY HISTORY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Edallo Emanuele
Educational website(s)