Social History of the Media

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course deals with the social history of media from an anthropological perspective.
Starting from the critical analysis of the concept of medium, students will acquire knowledge on the way in which the means of communication assume different meanings, uses and social functions in different cultural contexts.
We will analyze the media production processes and the production of meaning and subjectivity in reception practices in different cultural contexts.
By comparing our social history with those of other non-European countries, students will acquire reflective and critical skills
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will acquire the following knowledge, skills, abilities and skills:
- knowledge of the cultural variability of the social history of the media
- competence in reading critically (also usable for application purposes) the relationship between technologies, economic and socio-cultural contexts
- ability to orientate theoretically and practically in the world of contemporary communication, through a reflective and critical attitude
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second trimester
Course syllabus
A first part of the course will introduce and problematize the concept of medium from an anthropological perspective. The main historical, social and cultural transformations in relation to the evolution of the different media will then be reviewed.
The second part will be dedicated to the thematic study of the audiovisual language, in particular with respect to the documentary genre, both in its cinematographic and photographic dimension.implications, especially when the object of mediatic representation concerns otherness and human rights.
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites, but knowledge of the main historical events of the twentieth century is desired, as it is functional to the reasoned contextualization of the topics covered during the course.
Teaching methods
The teaching of the course offers lessons, practical exercises, case studies, guest lectures, video projection.
Teaching Resources

1) Topics covered during the course lectures (including guest presentations and audiovisual materials).

2) Zecca C. R., Il ruolo educativo del genere musicale bachata nei bateyes della Repubblica Dominicana, Antropologia, 8(1), 99-118. Reperibile online al seguente link:

3) McLuhan M., Il medium è il messaggio, in Gli strumenti del comunicare (Garzanti 1986, pp. 25-40) + capitolo "Orologi. Il profumo del tempo" (pp. 164-176). Reperibile nella sezione "materiali didattici".

4) Fonju, N. La radio e il machete. Il ruolo dei media nel genocidio del Rwanda, Infinito, 2009 (pp. 43-90). Reperibile nella sezione "materiali didattici".

5) Cozza, F. Fare relazioni intime. Gli usi di Tinder e le soggettività contemporanee tra ricostruzione del sé e commercializzazione. Rivista di antropologia contemporanea, 3(1), 97-118. Reperibile online al seguente link, accedendo con le proprie credenziali unimi:


1) Ciuffoletti Z., Tabasso E., Breve storia sociale della comunicazione, Carocci, 2018.

2) Pennaccini C., Filmare le culture, Carocci, 2005.

3) Zecca C. R., Il ruolo educativo del genere musicale bachata nei bateyes della Repubblica Dominicana, Antropologia, 8(1), 99-118. Reperibile online al seguente link:

4) McLuhan M., Il medium è il messaggio, in Gli strumenti del comunicare (Garzanti 1986, pp. 25-40) + capitolo "Orologi. Il profumo del tempo" (pp. 164-176). Reperibile nella sezione "materiali didattici".

5) Fonju, N. La radio e il machete. Il ruolo dei media nel genocidio del Rwanda, Infinito, 2009 (pp. 43-90). Reperibile nella sezione "materiali didattici".

6) Cozza, F. Fare relazioni intime. Gli usi di Tinder e le soggettività contemporanee tra ricostruzione del sé e commercializzazione. Rivista di antropologia contemporanea, 3(1), 97-118. Reperibile online al seguente link, accedendo con le proprie credenziali unimi:
Assessment methods and Criteria
They will take an in-class written test during the last session of the course, on Friday, March 15, 2024, from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM. The test will consist of two open-ended questions (one related to the first module, one related to the second module).

They will take a written test on the scheduled exam dates. The test will consist of two open-ended questions (one related to the first module, one related to the second module).
M-STO/04 - CONTEMPORARY HISTORY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Zecca Raul