Teaching Italian Literature

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide a comprehensive background of the teaching of Italian literature in the different grades and orders of secondary school. It will address the main issues related to the epistemological statute and the most important core themes of the discipline, with extensive analysis and discussion of emerging issues in teaching practice, in order to encourage the personal elaboration and the critical adoption of literature teaching methodology in accordance with the current scientific and epistemological debate. The course will focus not only on methodological theories, but also on the most widespread approaches to the Italian literature teaching. It also focuses on questions of interpretation related to direct work on texts provided in the literary canon suggested by ministerial policy documents (National indications and Guidelines). The course is aimed at consolidating the fundamental elements of interpretation and decoding of literary textuality, and allows to develop and evaluate effective teaching strategies with reference to the processes of educational multimedia communication, in the perspective of inclusive teaching.
Expected learning outcomes
The course aims to offer students an in-depth overview of the main teaching methodologies of Italian literature in order to encourage a critical approach to the methods and possibilities offered by existing teaching tools.
With respect to the fields of knowledge, the course will address the following content:
- history and epistemological foundations of the discipline;
- main teaching guidelines for the different secondary school grades and orders;
- teaching methods, techniques and tools;
- critical and comparative analysis of the most common historical and anthological literature textbooks used in the secondary school;
- teaching methods, tools and technologies to encourage inclusive learning for students with special educational needs, with specific learning disabilities and in situation of disability;
- importance of the text in the literature learning (relationship between text and language structures and between text and historical and social-cultural context);
- methods of knowledge survey and skill assessment.

With respect to the fields of the competences, students will reflect on the epistemological status of the discipline and will investigate the docimological issues affecting the assessment of disciplinary learning; they will be able to evaluate the problematic aspects of teaching practice and to design with autonomy and originality effective teaching strategies in relation to the changing and complex school context.
Moreover, students, having consolidated the possession of the fundamental elements of interpretation and decoding of literary textuality, will reach the personal elaboration and the conscious and critical adoption of a didactic method adequately supported by the scientific and epistemological point of view. So they will be able to build and evaluate effective teaching strategies also in reference to the processes of educational multimedia communication.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course integrates the theoretical presentation of the history and methods of teaching Italian literature with reflections and application proposals, through the direct work on the texts in a perspective of analysis and knowledge of the current educational and cultural challenges emerging from the complex school contexts.
Prerequisites for admission
The course requires knowledge of the history of Italian literature in its fundamental elements: authors, works, genres, currents and requires the possession of the fundamental elements of interpretation and decoding of ancient and modern literary textuality.
Teaching methods
The prevailing methodology is the frontal lesson supplemented by methods of active learning which is carried out by direct work on texts. The inclusion of active methods, as additional tools to the traditional method, makes an innovative contribution to teaching and learning processes, placing students at the centre through their direct participation and at the same time obtaining constant feedback on the level reached. The conceptual premise underlying the active methods is "learning by doing", which determines the active participation of students, a fundamental requirement in the stable achievement of educational objectives. It supports meaningful learning, while at the same time fostering the development of professional motivation resulting from the awareness of being able to identify and use teaching methodologies suitable for different contexts.
Teaching Resources
- Carla Benedetti, La letteratura ci salverà dall'estinzione, Einaudi, Torino 2021.
- Davide Canfora, Invito alla letteratura, Il Mulino, Bologna 2017.
- Giulio Ferroni, Una scuola per il futuro, La nave di Teseo, Milano 2021.
- Chiara Marasco (a cura di), Includere e motivare. Obiettivi e strategie didattiche per la classe d'Italiano, ETS, Pisa 2021.
- Emanuele Zinato (a cura di), Insegnare letteratura. Teorie e pratiche per una didattica indocile, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2022.
- Simone Giusti, Natascia Tonelli, Comunità di pratiche letterarie. Il valore d'uso della letteratura e il suo insegnamento, Loescher, Torino 2021.
Additional materials will be provided in the Ariel platform during the course of the lessons.

For further information, we suggest reading one of the following volumes:

Erminia Ardissino (a cura di), Insegnare italiano nella scuola secondaria, Mondadori, Milano, 2018.
Mario Barenghi, Cosa possiamo fare con il fuoco. Letteratura e altri ambienti, Quodlibet, Macerata 2013.
Luca Serianni, L'ora di italiano, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2012.
Massimo Recalcati L'ora di lezione. Per un'erotica dell'insegnamento, Torino, Einaudi, 2014.
Guido Armellini, La letteratura in classe. L'educazione letteraria e il mestiere dell'insegnante, Unicopli, Milano 2008.
Gino Roncaglia, L'età della frammentazione. Cultura del libro e scuola digitale, Laterza, Roma- Bari, 2020.
Giulio Ferroni, La solitudine del critico. Leggere, riflettere, resistere, Salerno editrice, Roma 2021.
Simone Giusti, Didattica della letteratura 2.0, Carocci, Roma 2015.
Jerome Bruner, La cultura dell'educazione. Nuovi orizzonti per la scuola, Feltrinelli, Milano 2015.
Remo Ceserani, Convergenze, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2010.
Romano Luperini, Insegnare la letteratura oggi, Manni, Lecce 2013.
Luca Dell'Omo (a cura di), Una musa che non incanta, Cesati, Firenze 2013.
Anna Rita Rati (a cura di), Il lavoro sui testi. Proposte per la scuola secondaria, Morlacchi, Perugia 2015.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final oral exam consists of an interview: students are asked to critically discuss the topics addressed during the course and the issues that emerge from the texts proposed for further study. During the interview it will be required to demonstrate the acquisition of specific terminology and key concepts of didactic reflection, proposing its own methodological orientation among those discussed in the literature.
L-FIL-LET/10 - ITALIAN LITERATURE - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Celada Augusta