Teaching-Psycho Sciences and Health Management

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
IUS/07 M-PSI/01 SECS-P/10 SPS/07
Learning objectives
The course aims to know and understand the basic psychic functions and the fundamental mechanisms by which the individual interacts with the natural and social environment and adapts to it and deepens the knowledge of the professional and ethical foundations of the relationship of trust with the assisted person for the protection of his privacy, security and dignity.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student must know and understand the basic psychic functions and the fundamental mechanisms by which the individual interacts with the natural and social environment and adapts to it and deepens the knowledge of the professional and ethical foundations of the relationship of trust with the assisted person for the protection of his privacy, security and dignity.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment of skills by the student will be achieved through a ORAL TEST.
The evaluation will be expressed in thirtieths and there are currently no intermediate tests or pre-appeals.
Labour law
Course syllabus
Sources of labor law
Types of employment relationships
Protection and union rights
Rights and obligations of the worker
Classification and duties
Professional updating
Working hours
Weekly rest
Holidays, holidays and permits
Maternity, parenting and female work
Sickness and Injury
Other protections
Transfer and transfer
Disciplinary power of the employer
Resignation and other causes of termination of the relationship
Occupational health and safety
Discrimination and equal opportunities
Mobbing / Harassment
Teaching methods
The method of delivery of the course is based on classroom lectures.
Teaching Resources
Costituzione della Repubblica (estratto)
Codice Civile (estratto)
Statuto dei lavoratori (estratto)
Decreti attuativi "Jobs act" (estratto)
CCNL personale non medico
General psychology
Course syllabus
Introduction to Psychology
Language, Thought and Intelligence
Motivations and Emotions
General aspects Communication and Doctor-Patient Communication and Frustration
Biological, Psychological and Social aspects of Pain.
Demographic and social aspects of the Psychology of Aging
Creativity in the senile age.
Teaching methods
The method of delivery of the course is based on classroom lectures.
Teaching Resources
Psicologia Generale di A. Delle Fave, F.Massimini, M. Poli e E. Prato Previde Ed Monduzzi, Gennaio 2005.
Organization studies
Course syllabus
Introduction and historical evolution of labor law

The company organization, definition and purpose, tools for representation, for description, for the definition of rules and roles
Companies as systems, principles of systemic analysis, analysis and representation by processes
The healthcare company as an organization that provides services to the person
The healthcare company as an organization operating in a "market" of healthcare services
The healthcare company as an organization that operates within system rules
Teaching methods
The method of delivery of the course is based on classroom lectures.
Teaching Resources
"Conoscere l'organizzazione" - C Kaneklin, F. Olivetti Manoukian - Ed. NIS
"Organizzare la qualità nei servizi" - Giuseppe Negro - Ed. Il Sole 24 ore
"Analisi organizzative, procedure e mansionari" - Carlo Albertario - Ed. Buffetti
"Servire qualità" - V. A. Zeithaml, A. Prasuraman, L. L. Berry - Ed. McGraw-Hill
"Modernità Liquida" - Zygmunt Bauman - Ed. Laterza
"Ripensare l'azienda" - M. Hammer, J. Champy - Ed. Sperling&Kupfer
General sociology
Course syllabus
What is Sociology
Social interaction and daily life: relational diversity and communication differences
Family / e
Race, ethnicity and migration: rights and duties
Modern organizations and liquid modernity
Mass media and communication in technology companies
Teaching methods
The method of delivery of the course is based on classroom lectures.
Teaching Resources
"Fondamenti di Sociologia" di Anthony Giddens.
General psychology
M-PSI/01 - GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Ferrucci Roberta
General sociology
SPS/07 - GENERAL SOCIOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Russo Vincenzo
Labour law
IUS/07 - LABOUR LAW - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Toffoletto Antonio
Organization studies
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Beretta Valerio