Theory and Techniques in Advertising and Image

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to present some of the main dynamics related to modern advertising communication.
In contrast to examples related to the most significant and successful campaigns of recent years, in this course we will examine the key steps within the development of a communication strategy: from the definition of the most effective and consistent emotional levers with brand positioning, to the development of messages and mechanisms of "engagement" that take advantage of the opportunities offered by new behaviors and the evolution of technologies. In this sense, we will observe how languages, messages and means are closely related to the moment that people are experiencing and the values that define social exchanges. The cultural component of advertising will therefore be analyzed, focusing in particular on understanding the meaning that brands take on in our society, the relationship that companies establish with people on a daily basis and the role that they play today in the creation and sharing of messages.
Expected learning outcomes
The course aims to lead participants to the understanding of the technical aspects underlying the creation of advertisements, showing their deep connection with the cultural and social context in which they are born and disseminated.
The course, therefore has as the main aim, in addition to the development of a basic knowledge of some key aspects related to the construction and strategic management of a company, the strengthening of critical skills towards everyday reality, through the analysis of how brands and companies interact with it.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The invention of happiness: how advertising affects our lives.
Prerequisites for admission
Attendance is reccomended in order to take the examination. Students can also study for the test on text books and lecture notes they will find in ARIEL when possible.
Teaching methods
The course will study sdvertising storytelling in depth considering either technical either historical aspects. Beside lectures and text books, student will experience the subject directly through examples and practical excercises.
Teaching Resources
Marco Vecchia, Hapù-manuale di tecnica della comunicazione pubblicitaria, Lupetti

Bernbach pubblicitario umanista. La prima raccolta dei testi del più grande tra i mad men
di AA. VV. | Franco Angeli

Optional book:
Luke Sullivan-Edward Boches, Hey, Whipple, Squeeze This: The Classic Guide to Creating Great Ads, 5th Edition, Wiley
Assessment methods and Criteria
A written exam will test the actual knowledge of the subject trough one or more questions about the arguments covered in class and in textbooks.
Lessons: 40 hours
every two weeks, tuesday 9 a.m. - 10.30 a.m.
from 2021 January 12 via teams until further notice