Training (first year)

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Develop skills in performing diagnostic examinations in conventional and breast radiology, identifying the most appropriate imaging examination, promoting patient-centered practice.
Acquire advanced skills in recognizing physiologic and pathologic radiologic anatomy, developing critical thinking, and evaluating images in terms of quality, diagnostic acceptability, and adherence to fairness criteria and patient conditions.
Acquire skills in the safe use of radiological equipment, quality controls, to ensure patient and operator safety, promoting high standards, in accordance with radiation protection principles.
Cultivate interpersonal and communication skills, complying with internship regulations, interacting with mentors and assistants, and learning to live in multidisciplinary settings and environments.
Expected learning outcomes
Upon completion of the course, the student should acquire skills in the areas of
Conventional and breast radiology diagnostics:
- Critical evaluation of the request by consulting the physician for the purpose of avoiding dangerous or inadvisable examinations;
- Performing and acquiring conventional and breast radiological examinations by adopting the correct imaging techniques;
- Making procedural choices consistent with current protocols, clinic, and patient conditions;
- Working in a safe manner in the use of ionizing radiation, maintaining the ALARA principle and ensuring maximum protection of the patient, operators and the public during the performance of the examination;
- Critical thinking in the analysis of physiologic and pathologic radiologic anatomy, evaluating diagnostic quality and acceptability in relation to fairness criteria;
Relational and communicative personal development:
- Conscious time management and responsibility in the use of internship spaces;
- Activate appropriate professional attitudes, feedback with mentors and internship assistants, and effective communication within a multidisciplinary team;
- Communicate effectively with appropriate professional terminology with patients and be able to provide information about procedures, treatments, aids, and care pathway;
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
The teaching program includes presentation and discussion of the following topics:
- Presentation of internship objectives;
- Presentation of the rules and regulations to be followed in the internship setting;
- Presentation of the locations and professional mentors;
- Presentation of the evaluation items;
- Feedback moment midway through the internship;
- Simulation of the examination test and activation of teaching moments to fill any training gaps
Prerequisites for admission
Full knowledge of the courses of "Morphological and functional basis of life", "Radiobiology and radioprotection" and "Conventional radiology: Imaging and techniques".
Teaching methods
The internship transforms theoretical knowledge into practical skills, linking classroom learning to practical experience.
The student, guided by a Professional Tutor and coordinated by the Director of Professional Activities, develops professional, gestural and interpersonal skills.
Teaching Resources
MAZZUCATO, GIOVAGNONI: Manuale di tecnica, metodologia e anatomia radiografica tradizionali - Piccin-Nuova Libraria
FLECKENSTEIN: Anatomia Radiologica - Piccin-Nuova Libraria
GUGLIELMI, MAGRINI: Elementi di Radiobiologia e radioprotezione - Piccin
COCHARD, HARMATH, MAJOR, MUKUNDAN: Netter's, Introduzione all' imaging - Piccin
WEBER, VILENSKY, CARMICHAEL: Anatomia radiologica di Netter - EDRA-Masson
PASSARIELLO: Elementi di tecnica radiologica e diagnostica per immagini
EMIL, MOLLER: Pocket atlas of radiographic positioning - Thieme
REIF, MOLLER: Pocket atlas of radiographic Anatomy - Thieme
Assessment methods and Criteria
Mode of test: Oral;
Test type: Image commentary/radiological procedure;
Assessment Parameters: Items based on EFRS Benchmarking, EQF level 6, found in the Internship document;
Type of evaluation used: Grade expressed in 30ths;
Formalization of grade: By the Director of professionalizing activities, in collaboration with professionalizing tutors;
Number and types of tests contributing to the final evaluation: Single test;
Method of registration: Mandatory reservation on the UNIMIA portal, by the dates established for each call;
Practicals - Exercises: 325 hours