
A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
To give information about the current framework of Italian viticulture, with particular reference to the wine processing. Provide the tools to build and/or judge the plant of a vineyard and its agronomic management, through the study of the major aspects of the vine ecophysiology.
Expected learning outcomes
Basic knowledge about the chain of production of grapes, preparation for designing, planning and realization of the vineyard and for its modern and correct agronomic management.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
1CFU. Introduction to the Course: The Italian, European and world wine scene; Notes on the culture of vines and wine; Origin and distribution of gen. Vitis, the wild grapevine and the cultivated grapevines
2CFU. Grapevine morphology and physiology aspects: Characteristics and functioning of the roots system; Morphology of epigean organs; The annual biological cycle and its regulation; Biology of fruiting and control of ripeness.
3CFU. Relations between the soil and climate environment and vines: climate factors and vegeto-reproductive phenomena; The soil and influence on production and quality; The interactions between the vine and the environment: the wine-growing areas; Mineral and water nutrition
4 CFU. Genetic improvement: Varietal recognition through ampelographic methods; Goals and methods of genetic improvement; Genetic improvement by agamic route, positive and negative massal selection and clonal selection; Genetic improvement by gamic pathway, intraspecific crossbreeding and interspecific crossbreeding (hybridization) for the establishment of rootstocks and cultivars tolerant of cryptogamic diseases
5CFU Propagation: phylloxera and rootstocks of the vine; Anatomical and physiological aspects of agamic multiplication; Types of grafting; The nursery chain
6CFU. The main operations of cultural technique: The planting of the vineyard: the variety choices, the density of the plant, the form of breeding; Choice of training system: training and production pruning; Hair management; Fertilization and irrigation; Soil management; The harvest. ripening control and the vine-wine interface
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of biochemistry, plant physiology, agronomy and arboriculture
Teaching methods
frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Recommended reference text: Alberto Palliotti, Stefano Poni, Oriana Silvestroni 2018 Manuale di viticoltura. Editore: Edagricole-New Business Media
Material distributed during the course: slides, figures, tables, graphs, various articles from specialized magazines. Material on the ARIEL website of the course
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam that will focus on the exam program aimed at ascertaining the knowledge of the entire program and the candidate's ability to evaluate the management and design of a vineyard
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Brancadoro Lucio
Educational website(s)