Zootechnical Legislation and Food Safety

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Expected learning outcomes
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
-Introduction to the course: the Animal Production Sciences graduate as an "animal professional"
-The European Union
-The Italian legal system
-General notions of administrative law
-General notions of criminal law
-General notions of civil law
- Animal health and the protection of public health: the EU Reg. n. 429/2016
-The biosecurity plans in the establishments
-The responsibility of the animal professional
-The identification of farm animals
-The discipline on animal reproduction
-Legislation on food safety in the European Union: the principles of the EC Reg. n. 178/2002, risk assessment, responsibility of food operators
-The application of Reg. (EC) n. 852/2004: the HACCP process throughout the food chain
-Control and hygienic practices on farms
-The self-monitoring plans of Regulation (EC) no. 852/2004 for food businesses in operations subsequent to primary production
-Hygiene requirements and operators' fulfilments
-Hazard analysis and critical control points - HACCP
-General hygiene requirements applicable to all food business operators in operations following primary production
-Requirements that must be applied in all phases of production, transformation and distribution of food
-General requirements applicable to facilities intended for food
-Specific requirements applicable to premises in which food products are prepared, processed or transformed
-Requirements applicable to mobile and/or temporary structures (such as pavilions, sales kiosks, trucked sales counters), premises used mainly as a private residence but where food is regularly prepared to be marketed and vending machines
-The administrative provisions of registration and recognition
-The EC Regulation n. 853/2004, compliance of microbiological criteria
-Animal protection and welfare in Community and national legislation:
- Welfare in farms
-The welfare of animals in transport
-Protection and well-being in slaughtering
-The professional figures of animal welfare
- Legislation on environmental protection
-Administrative fulfillment and relationship with the competent authority: official controls
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
The course includes frontal lessons: the lectures will be held in the classroom using slides
Language of teaching: Italian
Teaching Resources
DIRITTO E LEGISLAZIONE VETERINARIA, F. Pezza, G. Ruffo-P.Fossati, Point Veterinaire Italie, Milano.
·Handout with updates provided directly by Teachers
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of a single oral test on the knowledge of the topics described in the program
VET/08 - VETERINARY CLINICAL MEDICINE - University credits: 6
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Ruffo Giancarlo