Economical, Ethical, Social, and Legal Aspects of It

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The Course provides the basic notions about economic, ethical, social, and legal issues concerned with the career of computer scientists.
Expected learning outcomes
The Course exploits four different themes concerned with the career of computer scientists, namely, economics, ethics, society, and law. The student will acquire knowledge about the following aspects.
Economic issues: basic principles of an economic system; kinds of market; concurrency and free-trade; principles of business management with respect to the company organization forms and the aspects about formal business compliances. Models, criteria, and tools for investment evaluation. Tools for business project management.
Ethical issues: history and placement of ethical notions in the computer science field; problems and opportunities about ethics in digital tool development; methods and tools for addressing ethical issues in the computer science field.
Social issues: principles about digital citizenship and techno-civism; rights and legal protection of rights about digital citizenship; digital tools for civil participation with focus on design aspects about software development in such a field; free software principles and notions.
Legal issues: basic principles of intellectual property; privacy of persons and data concerned with the use of digital technologies and online communication tools; rights and duties derived from the use of digital tools
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
Didactic material is organized in four formative paths referring to the following aspects of computer science:
* Economical aspects (eco)
* Ethical aspects (eth)
* Legal aspects (leg)
* Social aspects (soc)
Every path is divided in modules; each module requires completion of a self-evaluation closed-answer test.
At the beginning, every student can access just the initial module. Access to following modules is granted only after passing the self-evaluation questionnaire of the first module.
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites.
Teaching methods
Self-learning using the online didactic modules available on the website
Teaching Resources
Online didactic modules available on the website
Assessment methods and Criteria
After completing all self-evaluation tests, the student can apply for the exam, taking place in computer equipped classrooms; the exam is constituted by a 16 questions test similar to the self-evaluation ones. Maximum allotted time is 30 minutes. Every question gives 2 points in case of correct answer, 0 points in case of wrong or missed answer. Final result is approved/not approved.
- University credits: 3
Lessons: 24 hours