Master in Area Chirurgica: Stomaterapia, Colonproctologia E Riabilitazione Dell'incontinenza Urinaria Fecale - Primo Livello

1st level vocational master
A.Y. 2022/2023
Study area
Medicine and Healthcare
1st level vocational master
14-11-2022 - 18-11-2023
The University Level I SURGICAL AREA Master?s certificate in stoma therapy, colopractology, and rehabilitation of urine and faecal incontinence, is an advanced training programme for nurses, intended to equip them with the skills needed to identify and assess the health and needs of persons with ostomy bags and/or urinary and faecal incontinence. This is a unique medical speciality, where nurses serve on an interdisciplinary team, and where effective and efficient results demand a tailored approach to a patient?s needs.
At the end of teaching programme, students will have achieved those specialised clinical skills required to make appropriate decisions from both a nursing and rehabilitative perspective, which then must be executed based on a rubric of efficacy, efficiency, and fitness.
ll corso si rivolge ai possessori di laurea nella classe ex D.M. 270/2004 L/SNT1 Professioni sanitarie infermieristiche e Professione sanitaria ostetrica/o.

Possono inoltre presentare domanda di ammissione anche i laureandi nelle medesime discipline purché conseguano il diploma di laurea entro la data di inizio del corso e comunque non oltre tre mesi dalla data di avvio dello stesso. In tal caso, la partecipazione al corso verrà disposta "con riserva" e il candidato sarà tenuto ad autocertificare, a pena di decadenza, il possesso della laurea entro trenta giorni dalla data di conseguimento.
Employment opportunities:

? Hospital Facilities, especially:
- general surgery
- urological surgery
- colorectal surgery
- oncological surgery
? day hospitals or physician's offices providing:
- ostomy care,
- colorectal care,
- rehabilitation of the pelvic floor.
Clinical/treatment facilities providing speciality care, treatment and/or evaluations
Regional Healthcare Facilities Social Services In-Home Healthcare

Courses list

Open sessions
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
General Framework, Methodology, and Evidence Best Practice
5 60 Italian
Nursing in the Pre- and Post-Operating Phase Stoma-Care Laboratory
2 34 Italian
Nursing Support in Stoma Therapy
11 110 Italian
Supportive Communication: Theories and Techniques: Laboratory (role-playing)
1 17 Italian
Treatment Paths for General Surgery, Urology, Paediatrics, and Medical Oncology
6 60 Italian
Treatment Planning Scientific Methodology of the Treatment Process
3 51 Italian
Treatment Relationship, Communication and Patient Education
5 50 Italian
Urinary and Faecal Incontinence
9 90 Italian