Networks for sustainable development

The University of Milan partners with national and international programmes and networks focussed on sustainable development. The campus is amongst the founders of “RUS” in Italy - The University Network for Sustainable Development. The Network launched in 2015 at the CRUI (Conference of Italian University Rectors) to raise awareness and create a culture of sustainability by forming six working groups: climate change; mobility; energy; waste; child development; and nutrition.

The University has taken part, since its inaugural edition in 2016, in the ASVIS (Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development) Sustainable Development Festival. This is Italy’s premier event for creating buy-in amongst community members, youth, businesses, non-profits, and institutions on issues relating to economic, social, and environmental sustainability, mobilising them to take action on the 2030 Agenda’s 17 SDGs.

On an international level, the University of Milan has joined the International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN), a group of prestigious colleges and universities spanning the globe, focussed on becoming bona-fide “sustainability laboratories”. Columbia University, MIT, Stanford University, Oxford and Cambridge Universities, Cape Town University, University of Singapore, University of Tokyo, as well as Italian universities such as the Milan and Turn Polytechnic Universities, and the Universities of Turin, Milan-Bicocca, Genoa, Salerno, and Ca’ Foscari in Venice are amongst the 80 ISCN university partners.