Biology and Genetics of Grapevines

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
To give the specific knowledge of biology and physiology of the vine on the basis of those acquired during the courses of general biology and agronomy and preparatory course of growing techniques in viticulture.
To provide students with some knowledge of both theoretical and practical preparatory course of growing techniques in viticulture and enology.
Expected learning outcomes
Analytical knowledge of organography, phenology, physiology and ecophysiology of the vine to address basic study of viticulture.
Knowledge about the origin of the grown grapes, methods for their recognition, techniques for improvement of their quality and performance through clonal selection and crossing and how to address the varietal choices depending on soil and climatic conditions.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The life cycle and the annual cycle of the vine. Anatomy and morphology of the vine, Physiology of the development of the root system, of the vegetative and reproductive system. Rhythms of growth and activity. The correlative relationships. Physiology of development and fruiting. Differentiation and development of buds. From the differentiation of the buds to the fruit setting of the berries. Ecophysiology The carbon balance: photosynthesis and distribution of photosynthes. The water balance The nutritional balance and nutritional disorders. Physiology of grape development and ripening. The herbaceous phase, the veraison, the ripening curve, the sugar accumulation, the metabolism of acids, the nitrogenous substances, the polyphenols, the aromatic substances.
The genus Vitis and the main species of interest for viticulture. The domestication of the vine and the origin of the vines. The biodiversity of the cultivated vine. Intravarietal variability. Genetic improvement by clonal selection. Genetic improvement by crossing. Biotechnologies applied to the genetic improvement of the vine.
Prerequisites for admission
Mandatory prerequisites: Agricultural chemistry and Plant biology
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons. Thematic seminars. Classroom and field exercises. Educational visits.
Teaching Resources
AA.VV. 2007 La vite e il vino. Art Servizi Editoriali, Bologna. pp. 624
The slides of the lessons will be available on Ariel.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral examination. The exam consists in an interview for each course. Each interview consist of the four questions that cover the topics of the entire course. The student must demonstrate that he/she has acquired at least the minimum requirements for all questions.
Field activity: 16 hours
Lessons: 56 hours