Cereals for Malts and Other Semi-Finished Products Preparation

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to investigate some of the topics concerning the characterization of cereals and/or their transformation into semi-finished products for use in the production of alcoholic beverages, including beer and spirits. The deepening of knowledge will enable the student to understand the characteristics of the raw material that most influence the quality of the finished product.
Expected learning outcomes
The skills acquired aim at the knowledge of the main cereals, their components and properties that illustrate their quality in terms of composition and function for the production of beer and spirits.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
- The international and national cereal sector: structure, market and the major issues
- Cereals: (i) morphological, physical and chemical properties; (ii) quality indices of grains and their evaluation; (iii) criteria of cereal classification in Italy and worldwide.; (iv) main uses.
- Pseudocerals: (i) morphological, physical and chemical properties; (ii) quality indices of grains and their evaluation; (ii) main uses.
- The major macromolecules in the cereal: starch, protein and non starch polysaccharides: (i) chemical, physical and structural features (ii) role in cereal-based products; (iii) other uses.
- Germination: process and effects on the properties of the main components
- Barley malt
- Malt from other grains
- Use of malt and germinated cereals in the food industry
- The milling process and main uses of flours
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
Lectures and seminars held by experts from industry and/or academia.
Teaching Resources
The material presented during the lessons will be available on ARIEL.
Scientific papers suggested during the classes.
Searches on websites.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam is oral and consists in the discussion of the main topics addressed during the course.
The evaluation will be based on knowledge, understanding, and critical thinking of the topics and on communication skills.
Preliminary registration to the exam session through the UNIMIA system is mandatory.
DSA students and students with disabilities are invited to inform the teacher by e-mail at least ten days before the exam date in order to define the possible individual actions. The e-mail should also send in cc to: [email protected] (for DSA students) or [email protected] (for students with disabilities).
AGR/15 - FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - University credits: 4
Lessons: 32 hours
Professor: Marti Alessandra