Criminal Commercial Law

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at providing the students with the following competencies:
- the knowledge of the general issues related to corporate and business crimes, their intertwines with the basic elements of Criminal Law and the most relevant offences provided for in the three sectors of the course (Corporate Law, Financial Law, Insolvency and Bankruptcy);
- critical thinking skills about some of the basic elements, of the legal sources and of the most relevant case-law (national courts, EU Court of Justice, ECHR);
- the ability to apply the acquired knowledge to specific criminal offences object of study, through practical examples and case studies;
- the mastery of technical-juridical language.
Expected learning outcomes
- in depth knowledge of the basic elements and the constitutional principles inspiring the legislation of criminal offences in the field of Bankruptcy, Corporate and Business Law and the Financial Market;
- knowledge of the subjects who operate inside the companies and inside enterprise groups;
- the ability to interpret the legal rules examined during the course with a systematic approach and to identify their rationale.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Bankruptcy crimes
Corporate crimes
Stock market crime
Prerequisites for admission
Prerequisites are set out by the Regolamento didattico del Corso di Laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in Giurisprudenza (it is mandatory to have previously and successfully taken Constitutional Law, Institutions of Private Law and Criminal Law).
Teaching methods
The course is focused on selected economic crimes, and will be held by seminar format lectures; students participation will be encouraged. Depending on the number of attending students, seminars could be organized (also competitive), in order to foster knowledge acquiring.
Teaching Resources
A. ALESSANDRI, S. SEMINARA, Diritto penale commerciale, voll. I, II, III e IV, Giappichelli, Torino, last ed., the following pages only:
vol. I (principi generali) ed. 2018: from 1 to 86;
vol. II (reati societari) ed. 2021: from 1 to 70; from 109 to 146; from 161 to the end;
vol. III (reati mercato mobiliare) ed. 2022: from 1 to 22; from 45 to the end;
vol. IV (reati fallimentari) ed. 2023: from 1 to 250.

Attendant students will be required to demonstrate their knowledge on specific subjects only, as set forth during classes.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The course aims students to achieve:
⁃ knowledge of fundamental theories about white collar crimes;
⁃ ability to critically evaluate some basic institutions of the general part in relation to economic criminal law;
⁃ ability to apply the acquired knowledge to paradigmatic cases of economic crimes.
Final exam will be taken orally.
IUS/17 - CRIMINAL LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Educational website(s)