Environmental Economics and Policy

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
To provide the knowledge base of economics (political economy, enterprise economy and macroeconomics) to reach a level of knowledge sufficient to interpret their action in the context of society and, in particular, for the understanding of the economics of environmental issues , from sustainability and resource management, through the study of incentives, leading to the consideration of the effects of environmental change and land in terms of value.
Expected learning outcomes
Interpretive skills of the political economy, economic policy and economic aspects of environmental and ecolocical policy. Basic knowledge for the valuation of environmental assets, projects, damage and services.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
First Part - Microeconomics
Supply and demand theory
Demand and supply of goods, determination of price, market balance
Demand elasticity of price and income
Production function, production costs and elasticity
Market forms and business choices

Second Part - Economics and the Environment
Functioning of the markets and causes of their failure
The failure of public intervention
The main instruments of the public intervention
Recourse to the market to protect the environment
The establishment of taxes for the use of the environment
Trade in environmental permits and the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS)
Setting environmental standards
Ecological taxes and the EU tax on plastic packaging
Food system and environment
Nudging-based policy
Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required
Teaching methods
Frontal teaching is the main teaching method. Attendance at teaching is strongly recommended.
Teaching Resources
The slides of the teaching lessons and other references are regularly updated and are available on the Ariel platform.
- Microeconomia- J. Sloman, D. Garratt, Elementi di economia, Il Mulino
- Economia dell'ambiente - Kerry Turner, David Pearce, Ian Bateman, "Economia Ambientale", Il Mulino
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam consists in an oral test of a written test aimed at ascertaining the knowledge acquired about the basic principles of economic theory, the functioning of the markets and the most important instruments for controlling the environment and the territory. There are no differences in verification between attending and non-attending students.
Lessons: 48 hours