Forage and Grain Cropping Systems

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The general objective of the course "grain crops and forage production" is to provide basic knowledge on the cropping systems in Italian agricultural areas, with a focus on the intensive livestock farming in the Po valley. For each of the cropping systems, various aspect will be addressed in the course, such as the physiological response of the crops, either grain or forage crops, to the pedoclimatic conditions, field management practices, harvesting methods and times, and forage conservation methods. The course also aims to provide knowledge about the environmental impacts of cropping systems on cereal and livestock farms.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will learn which aspects are needed to consider in the evaluation of the grain and forage cropping systems on both cereal and livestock farms. Such aspects are crop type and potential productivity, sowing and harvest time, fertilization, irrigation, hay-cutting time, and forage conservation. Students will understand which elements are needed to consider when setting up cereal-based systems on a livestock farm, according to the livestock feeding requirement and the market prices of commodities.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The classification of forage crops will be presented, divided into herbaceous, temporary meadows, permanent meadows, and pastures.
The forage systems covered by the course:
Forage maize grass
Forage maize grass in the annual rotation with Italian ryegrass
Italian ryegrass alone and mixed with hairy vetch and clover
Triticale, barley, and forage wheat
Forage pea
Lucerne grass ley
Mixture of forage crops (e.g., Lolium perenne + white clover, Lolium perenne + violet clover, lucerne + orchardgrass, lucerne + tall fescue)
Meadows of leguminous and graminaceous crops

For each of the crops and forage systems, updated statistical data will be presented on their spread in Italy and in the world and their economic relevance. The botanical and ecophysiological traits will be presented, as well as the agronomic practices optimized to meet the zootechnical nutritional needs of the livestock farm. The quality of the forage will be discussed in relation to agronomic management and cutting time.
The forage conservation techniques will also be presented: haymaking, silage, and dehydration.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of agronomy (type, time and effect of fertilization, tillage and irrigation) and soil chemistry (carbon and nitrogen processes taking place in the soil) is needed
Teaching methods
Lessons are held with slides. Feedback from the audience is asked during the lesson. Link to relevant articles. References to recommended texts.
Practical exercises about crop scouting. Field trips at research centres about the selection of grain and forage crops.
Teacher website:
Teaching Resources
Slides available on the Ariel website
Production of Field Crops: A Textbook of Agronomy. Agri Horti Press, 2019
Forages. An introduction to grassland agriculture. Wiley Blackwell, 2018
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam is written. It is made of 3 questions on the whole programme. The optimal length of an answer is a whole page written by hand. The exam lasts one hour and a half. The mark is assigned by averaging the marks of each answer.

The evaluation considers a) the use of adequate language; b) the correctness of the contents; c) the completeness of the answers. Missing contents reduce the mark.
An oral exam is not planned, but it is possible to arrange an appointment by email.
AGR/02 - AGRONOMY AND FIELD CROPS - University credits: 9
Field activity: 8 hours
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 60 hours