Geodynamics and Laboratory

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
In particular, learners will acquire the knowledge necessary to understand:
· Mantle convection: convection mechanism and convective structure; lithospheric plates related to mantle convection; mantle heterogeneity.
· Geodynamics and deformation of continental plates in subduction and collision zones and active tectonic erosion and accretion mechanisms.
· Thermal state of the lithosphere in the mechanically active zones (subduction, collision, rift): thermal models analysis and comparison with the thermo-mechanical evolution of collisional belts (Alps, Variscan chain, .....) or of fossils and present-day continental rifting.
Expected learning outcomes
Understanding of the relationships between thermal and mechanical perturbations of lithosphere and sub-lithospheric mantle along the active margins. Lithostratigraphy of the oceanic and continental lithosphere in stable and mechanically active zones. Awareness of a multidisciplinary analytical approach that involves the integration of natural field and laboratory data with quantitative geodynamic modeling techniques for the reconstruction of the tectonic evolution of complex areas such as collisional chains.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
In case of favourable conditions due to pandemic emergency, lectures and excercices will be provided in presence. Practical excercises (mandatory for students taking the 9 cfu course) will be held in classroom and in the field for a total of 36 hours. In case of unfavourable conditions due to pandemic emergency by Covid-19, the 2023-24 edition of the Course will be held online, for both the lectures and practical excercises. Remote lectures and excercises will be provided synchronously on "Teams". Links to Teams will be shown on Ariel.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of general geology, structural geology, petrography, geophysics and stratigraphy is required as a prerequisite.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam can be taken in two ways: 6 cfu exam or 9 cfu exam. The 6 cfu exam consists of an oral examination about the topics of the course. The 9cfu exam is divided into two parts: the first part is
a practical exam including two presentations on assigned scientific works to delve deeper into some of the topics covered in the course. The second part is an oral examination which will focus on the topics covered during the lectures.
On the base of the pandemic emergency evolution, due to Covid-19, the practical examination may be changed.
Course syllabus
The Course includes lectures on:
· Mantle convection: convection mechanism and convective structure; lithospheric plates related to mantle convection; mantle heterogeneity.
· Geodynamics and deformation of continental plates in subduction and collision zones and active tectonic erosion and accretion mechanisms. Active tectonic mechanism along divergent and transform margins, geometric and structural outline.
· Geodynamics of present day oceanic lithosphere and of ophiolitic complexes (examples from the Alps; P-T trajectories).
· Thermal state of the lithosphere in the mechanically active zones (subduction, collision, rift): thermal models analysis and comparison with the thermo-mechanical evolution of collisional belts (Alps, Variscan chain, .....) or of fossils and present-day continental rifting.
Teaching methods
The Course (6 cfu) consists of lectures commonly supported by power point presentations held in classroom.
Owing to pandemic emergency due to Covid-19, the 2020-21 edition of the Course will be held entirely online. Remote lectures and excercise will be provided synchronously on "Teams". Links to Teams will be shown on Ariel.
Teaching Resources
Students may refer to lecture notes and scientific articles chosen on the specific topics of the Course and indicated by the teachers.
Laboratory of Geodynamics
Course syllabus
Practical exercices (mandatory for the 9 cfu exam) comprise:
a) exercises carried out on topics covered during classroom lectures, also through the use of dedicated software; b) field excursions in different transects of collisional chains (Varsican chain, Alps, Apennines...) to discuss their geodynamic evolution.
Teaching methods
Practical excercices (mandatory for the 9 cfu exam) will take place in the classroom or during field trips, for a total of 36 hours. In case of pandemic emergency, and in general in case of eventual restrictions indicated by the Rector of the University, practical exercises will be held online by the use of digital tools. In this case, the link for the online connection will be provided.
Teaching Resources
Scientific papers on the covered topics and indicated by the teachers.
GEO/03 - STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Spalla Maria Iole
Laboratory of Geodynamics
GEO/03 - STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY - University credits: 3
Practicals: 36 hours
Professor: Tartarotti Paola
Thursday h: 15-17; Friday h: 10-12
Teacher's Office, via Mangiagalli, 34