Valorisation of the Agricultural Biomass and Management of the Environmental Impact

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The teaching deals with the use and recycling of the main agricultural, forestry (livestock effluents, lignocellulosic waste) and civil biomass (sewage sludge and organic waste fraction) to obtain products to be employed for agricultural purpose.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge about biomass transformation processes (composting, anaerobic digestion, pyrolysis), paying particular attention to the agronomic use of transformed biomass, defining its positive effects on soil and plant growth and also taking into consideration the impacts deriving from their use and the relative containment measures.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course deals with the use and recycling of the main agricultural, forestry (livestock effluents, lignocellulosic waste) and civil biomass (sewage sludge and organic waste fraction) as such or after chemical-biological treatments (eg composting, digestion anaerobic, pyrolysis). In this perspective the course will include the study of transformation processes, paying particular attention to the agronomic use of transformed biomass, defining its positive effects on soil and plant growth and also taking into consideration the impacts deriving from their use and the relative containment measures. The possibility of obtaining biomasses with particular functionalities such as pathogenic-repressive and biostimulant abilities able to confer a high added value to the biomasses will also be evaluated.
Prerequisites for admission
preliminary knowledge of chemistry and biology are required
Teaching methods
a)frontal lessons, b) visit to full scale plants, c) seminars
Teaching Resources
The presentations will available on web site ariel of this course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
For the course of the 2022-2023 the examination will be oral. The examination will remain written for the students of the previous years (3 questions closed-answers and 4 questions open-answers; the duration of the exam will take 2 hours). The evaluation will be based on: technical-scientific knowledge of the topics, the use of specific language, the ability to organize and elaborate knowledgement . the grades are on a scale of 30 and will be communicated via e-mail (the rejection of the grade will be allowed).
AGR/13 - AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Scaglia Barbara
to take an appointment
office- DISAA