Green Chemistry and Renewable Energy in Agriculture
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the knowledge for the management of waste biomass of agro-industrial and urban origin, as well as for their possible use to produce goods, biomolecules and bioenergy through biological processes or chemical-physical approaches.
To analyze from the technical point of view the role of agriculture in energy generation from renewable sources, taking into account problems and solutions aimed at improving the overall sustainability (technical, economic and environmental) of the energy supply chains and promote the ecological transition.
To analyze from the technical point of view the role of agriculture in energy generation from renewable sources, taking into account problems and solutions aimed at improving the overall sustainability (technical, economic and environmental) of the energy supply chains and promote the ecological transition.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to develop alternative solutions to the disposal of waste biomass in a context of bio-economy.
At the end of the course, students will acquire bases and skills for: (i) identifying the different energy chains; (ii) defining technological solutions for energy generation from renewable sources compatible with the sustainable management of agricultural production processes.
At the end of the course, students will acquire bases and skills for: (i) identifying the different energy chains; (ii) defining technological solutions for energy generation from renewable sources compatible with the sustainable management of agricultural production processes.
Lesson period: year
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Course syllabus
Part 1. Green chemistry in agriculture
1) Definition of biomass, impacts of landfilling, concept of waste and by-product, end waste approach for waste biomass.
2) Study of the tipology of biomass: organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW), civil sewage sludge, agro-industry biomass, ligno-cellulosic biomass.
3) Chemical-biological properties of biomass: definition and characterisation methods, the concepts of biodegradability and recalcitrance.
2) Biorefinery concept and hierarchical product value approach; development of integrated processes.
4) Biomass transformation processes for agronomic use:
4.1. Composting: definition, process parameters and characteristics of compost (biological stability, repressive pathogenic capacity)
4.2. Anaerobic digestion: definition, process parameters and characteristics of digestate
4.3 Water purification: purification efficiency and sludge production
4.4. Pyrolysis for the production of biochar and hydrochar. Chemical-physical-biological characteristics of the products; Technological use of biochar.
5) Biostimulants from waste biomass: production, characterisation, use.
6) Production of bioactive fractions for agriculture: biopharmaceuticals
7) Recovery of nutrients from biomass: ammonium sulphate; struvite.
8) Odorous emissions: definition, measurement, containment systems.
Part 2. Renewable Energy in Agriculture
ENERGY FROM WOODY BIOMASS - Plants for combustion and gasification: types, construction parameters, operational aspects in agro-forestry areas (1.0 CFU approx. ).
ENERGY FROM ANIMAL WASTES, WET BIOMASS AND RESIDUES - Plants for Anaerobic Digestion: types, construction parameters, operational aspects in the production of biogas and biomethane in agro-forestry areas (2,0 CFU approx. ).
SOLAR ENERGY - Solar plants: types, construction parameters, operational aspects for thermal and photovoltaic systems in agro-forestry areas (0.5 CFU approx. ).
HYDRAULIC ENERGY - Hydro plants: types, construction parameters, operational aspects for micro and mini-hydroelectric systems in mountain areas (0.5 CFU approx. ).
1) Definition of biomass, impacts of landfilling, concept of waste and by-product, end waste approach for waste biomass.
2) Study of the tipology of biomass: organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW), civil sewage sludge, agro-industry biomass, ligno-cellulosic biomass.
3) Chemical-biological properties of biomass: definition and characterisation methods, the concepts of biodegradability and recalcitrance.
2) Biorefinery concept and hierarchical product value approach; development of integrated processes.
4) Biomass transformation processes for agronomic use:
4.1. Composting: definition, process parameters and characteristics of compost (biological stability, repressive pathogenic capacity)
4.2. Anaerobic digestion: definition, process parameters and characteristics of digestate
4.3 Water purification: purification efficiency and sludge production
4.4. Pyrolysis for the production of biochar and hydrochar. Chemical-physical-biological characteristics of the products; Technological use of biochar.
5) Biostimulants from waste biomass: production, characterisation, use.
6) Production of bioactive fractions for agriculture: biopharmaceuticals
7) Recovery of nutrients from biomass: ammonium sulphate; struvite.
8) Odorous emissions: definition, measurement, containment systems.
Part 2. Renewable Energy in Agriculture
ENERGY FROM WOODY BIOMASS - Plants for combustion and gasification: types, construction parameters, operational aspects in agro-forestry areas (1.0 CFU approx. ).
ENERGY FROM ANIMAL WASTES, WET BIOMASS AND RESIDUES - Plants for Anaerobic Digestion: types, construction parameters, operational aspects in the production of biogas and biomethane in agro-forestry areas (2,0 CFU approx. ).
SOLAR ENERGY - Solar plants: types, construction parameters, operational aspects for thermal and photovoltaic systems in agro-forestry areas (0.5 CFU approx. ).
HYDRAULIC ENERGY - Hydro plants: types, construction parameters, operational aspects for micro and mini-hydroelectric systems in mountain areas (0.5 CFU approx. ).
Prerequisites for admission
PART 1 Green chemistry in agriculture. Basic knowledge of Chemistry and Biology
PART 2 Renewable Energy in Agriculture Knowledge about energy, agricultural mechanisation, farm plants are useful for students interested to the course.
PART 2 Renewable Energy in Agriculture Knowledge about energy, agricultural mechanisation, farm plants are useful for students interested to the course.
Teaching methods
PART 1. Green chemistry in agriculture.
The unit of "Green chemistry in agriculture" takes 56 hours of frontal lessons and activities in the classroom .
PART 2 Renewable Energy in Agriculture The unit on the plant for the use of "Renewable Energy in Agriculture" lasts 32 hours and follows the timetable established by the Didactic Secretariat for the Degree Course. The total 4 ECTS are composed of 4 ECTS of Frontal Lessons 4. The teaching is provided through the projection of slides.
The course does not have compulsory attendance, but it is strongly recommended the lessons participation.
The unit of "Green chemistry in agriculture" takes 56 hours of frontal lessons and activities in the classroom .
PART 2 Renewable Energy in Agriculture The unit on the plant for the use of "Renewable Energy in Agriculture" lasts 32 hours and follows the timetable established by the Didactic Secretariat for the Degree Course. The total 4 ECTS are composed of 4 ECTS of Frontal Lessons 4. The teaching is provided through the projection of slides.
The course does not have compulsory attendance, but it is strongly recommended the lessons participation.
Teaching Resources
PART 1 Green chemistry in agriculture
1. Notes of the lessons on the Ariel website
2. Book: Biomasse in agricoltura. Caratterizzazione e utilizzo sostenibile. Miano, Gigliotti, Ciavatta, Tambone, Zaccone. Editore Pàtron, 2022
PART 2 Renewable Energy in Agriculture The material used during the unit on the plant for the use of "Renewable Energy in Agriculture" (lectures) as well as presentations for the deepening of some topics, Tables and technical documents is available in format pdf on the University teaching application.
1. Notes of the lessons on the Ariel website
2. Book: Biomasse in agricoltura. Caratterizzazione e utilizzo sostenibile. Miano, Gigliotti, Ciavatta, Tambone, Zaccone. Editore Pàtron, 2022
PART 2 Renewable Energy in Agriculture The material used during the unit on the plant for the use of "Renewable Energy in Agriculture" (lectures) as well as presentations for the deepening of some topics, Tables and technical documents is available in format pdf on the University teaching application.
Assessment methods and Criteria
PART 1. Green chemistry in agriculture.
The exam will be oral regarding the arguments of the course
PART 2. Renewable Energy in Agriculture . The exam relate to the unit on the plant for the use of "Renewable Energy in Agriculture" is written.
The evaluation criteria aim to verify - through a series of questions on the different topics - the degree of overall knowledge acquired by the student.
Students* with DSA and with disabilities are kindly requested to contact the lecturer by email at least 15 days before the scheduled examination date in order to agree on any individualised measures. In the email addressed to the teacher it is necessary to put in CC the respective University Services: email: [email protected] (for students with DSA) and [email protected] (for students with disabilities)'
The exam will be oral regarding the arguments of the course
PART 2. Renewable Energy in Agriculture . The exam relate to the unit on the plant for the use of "Renewable Energy in Agriculture" is written.
The evaluation criteria aim to verify - through a series of questions on the different topics - the degree of overall knowledge acquired by the student.
Students* with DSA and with disabilities are kindly requested to contact the lecturer by email at least 15 days before the scheduled examination date in order to agree on any individualised measures. In the email addressed to the teacher it is necessary to put in CC the respective University Services: email: [email protected] (for students with DSA) and [email protected] (for students with disabilities)'
AGR/13 - AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY - University credits: 6
AGR/13 - AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 80 hours
Fiala Marco, Scaglia Barbara
Monday, h. 14.00-15.30 (by appointment)
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Production, Landscape, Agroenerggy
to take an appointment
office- DISAA