Apprendere, insegnare, valutare le lingue nel 2020: la divulgazione del Volume Complementare del Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento

The European Language Label is the most important acknowledgement that the European Commission, together with the member states, awards to projects that promote the foreign languages, especially in a multilinguistic perspective. The European Union counts 24 official languages and more that 60 regional or minor languages. The EC means to preserve this heritage through the different actions of the Erasmus Programme and also through the European Language Label, an initiative that means to encourage the use and appreciation of the results of excellence in the field of multilinguism and to promote the public interest towards learning of foreign languages.

Unimi Coordinator: Monica Barsi


  • Teresa Bettarello, specialized in Italian as a foreign language
  • AngelisaLeonesio, multimedia director

Project Objectives

The Council of Europe has recently updated the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), publishing the Companion Volume with new descriptors. These new descriptors take account of all levels of proficiency including Pre-A1; complete and update the A, B and C levels; focus on intelligibility as the primary construct in phonological control; describe mediation and provide descriptor scales; describe plurilingualism and pluriculturalism; take account of literature for the feelings it evokes in individuals and not only for its language usage; introduce online interaction and using of telecommunications. For the first time, descriptors for sign language are provided.

The original English version of the CEFR Companion Volume was published in 2020. The Italian version, edited by professor Monica Barsi, has been awarded the European Language Label and it will be published in “Italiano LinguaDue”, a magazine by the University of Milan.

The Companion Volume will have an impact on manuals, courses and certificates of foreign languages in relations with the new descriptors. Moreover, it will encourage plurilinguistic and pluricultural communication that will affect the world of work thorough the European area.

This new framework of reference will impact the rights of the individual during their everyday, working, social and political life.

Target audience:

The importance of this project is linked to that of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages that, since 2001, has been adopted by the member countries of the European Union to learn, teach and evaluate the foreign languages.

The target audience is made by teachers of foreign languages in Italian schools, private bodies, Universities and by students at any level.

The project is also addressed to teachers of Italian as a foreign language and language mediators working in public and private schools and in organizations linked to the world of work.

Type of agreement
Innovation and training projects
Study field