Postgraduate schools

The specialisation programme is a postgraduate programme that provides students with the knowledge and skills required to enable them to practice specific professions in different sectors.

Specialisation programmes last at least two years

Between 120 and 300 credits are required to obtain the specialisation qualification at the end of the programme.

Finanziamenti PON “Ricerca e Innovazione” 2014-2020

L'Università degli Studi di Milano è risultata beneficiaria del finanziamento di 223 contratti aggiuntivi di specializzazione da destinare a laureati in Medicina e Chirurgia utilmente classificati nella graduatoria di ammissione alle Scuole di specializzazione di Area medico-sanitaria per l’anno accademico 2020/2021.

Tutte le informazioni alla pagina Progetti PON 2014-2020.

Postgraduate schools and calls for applications

View the full list of postgraduate schools currently operating at the University of Milan, as well as enrolment deadlines and calls for applications.

Discover the offices you may contact for assistance and information on admission, fees, study career and specialist training contracts.