General Surgery

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
MED/18 MED/24
Learning objectives
The course aims to:
1. Complete the learning process in pathologies of surgical interest, under the diagnostic differential profile, pointing out the need to be able to do a rational choice of medical tests, draw conclusions and define basics of therapy.
2. Complete the learning process of concepts acquired by the student in previous years.
Please note: complex clinical syndroms in emergency (ie shock, peritonitis, bowel obstruction) under surgical relevance, would be treated attending the course on medical-surgical urgencies and emergencies
The student should:
1. show to know topics on surgical pathology, surgical anatomy and fisiopathology correlated
2. be able to indicate for each topic frequences and prevalence, emergency, diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities, severity
3. formulate a diagnostic hypotheses, differential too
4. know to indicate less invasive physical diagnostic, laborathories and instrumental clinical examinations
5. be able to propose to patients different medical and surgical therapeutic solutions, evaluate advantages, risks and conseguences
6. be able to formulate a quoad vitam and quoad valetudinem prognosis
7. know the right instruments and the easiest surgical measures that the family doctor should be able to solve
Expected learning outcomes
This course aims to conduct the student to have a multidisciplinary approach to various pathologies dealt with, to set up a diagnostic and therapeutic treatment, according to updated guide lines.
Importance of the differential diagnosis for the diagnosis of the surgical indication or of other therapeutic possibilities, evaluating the risk benefit of each decision, with the aim to get the best result, for an individualised care treatment.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Linea: Policlinico

Prerequisites for admission
To have passed the following exams: Systems and Diseases I and II, Pharmacology, Anatomic Pathology and Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Therapy.
To have attended lessons of V and VI year of course
Assessment methods and Criteria
oral test
General surgery
Course syllabus
· introduction to surgery
· digestive stomas
· polyps and familial adenomatous polyposis (case reports)
· acute abdominal heal
· management of emergencies in hand surgery
· burns: classification and treatment principles
· abdominal wall + case reports
· venous disorders of surgical interest
· supra-aortic trunks diseases
· benign and malignant thoracic pathologies
· colo-rectal tumors and ibd + case reports
· the breast
· benign and malignant eophagus diseases
· abdominal examination
· stomach surgery
· principles of laparoscopic surgery
· kidney tumors and cystic lesions
· male genital diseases
· kidney and ureteral stones
· acute appendicitis and cholelithiasis

· clinic of benign and malignant urologic diseases + case reports
· clinic and diseases of kidney
· obesity surgery + case reports
· proctology
· peripheric arterious diseases
· mediastinic disease + case reports
· kidney transplantation
· pulmonary transplantation
· peripheric artherious disease: case reports
· liver transplantation
· pancreas transplantation + case reports
· pancreatitis
· prevention and treatment of biliary tract lesions
Teaching methods
Lectures, exercises, seminars, case reports, live surgery
Teaching Resources
Chirurgia: Basi teoriche e chirurgia generale-Chirurgia specialistica (Vol. 1-2)
Autore: Renzo Dionigi
Editore: Edra
Edizione: 6
Pagine: 2 voll., 2024 p., ill. , Rilegato
EAN: 9788821440250
Trattato di chirurgia laparoscopica. Apparato digerente, surrene e obesità
Autore: Stefano Olmi, Diego Foschi, Enrico Croce
Editore: Edra
Pagine: 592 p., Brossura
EAN: 9788821438745
Sabiston Textbook of Surgery
The Biological Basis of Modern Surgical Practice
21st Edition - January 8, 2021
Editor: Courtney Townsend
Hardback ISBN: 9780323640626
9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 6 4 0 6 2 - 6
Other ISBN: 9780323640640
Course syllabus
Learning goals:
· Learn about pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinic
· Learn about diagnostic evaluation and differential diagnosis
· Learn about medical treatment
· Learn about surgical treatment

Learning goals:
· Learn about pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinic
· Learn about diagnostic evaluation
· Learn about medical treatment
· Learn about surgical endoscopic treatment

Learning goals:
· Learn about epidemiology, risk factors and clinic
· Learn about diagnostic
· Learn about conservative and radical therapy (surgical e non-surgical)

Learning goals:
· Learn about epidemiology, risk factors and clinic
· Learn about diagnostic evaluation
· Learn about conservative and radical therapy (surgical e non-surgical)

Learning goals:
· interaction
· critical analysis
Teaching methods
Lectures, exercises, seminars, case reports, live surgery
Teaching Resources
Smith & Tanagho's GENERAL UROLOGY
di Jack W. McAninch, Tom F. Lue
19ma Edizione
ISBN-13: 978-0071624978
ISBN-10: 007162497X
Amazon o formato Kindle
Atlante di Urologia AIU: Accademia Italiana Urologia
Le Scuole di Specializzazione in Urologia delle Università Italiane
Edizioni 2018
formato Kindle

Linea: San Donato

General surgery
MED/18 - GENERAL SURGERY - University credits: 5
Informal teaching: 16 hours
Lessons: 48 hours
MED/24 - UROLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 12 hours

Linea: San Giuseppe

General surgery
MED/18 - GENERAL SURGERY - University credits: 5
Informal teaching: 16 hours
Lessons: 48 hours
MED/24 - UROLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 12 hours