
A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
MED/38 MED/39
Learning objectives
Knowledge of the characteristic features and developmental changes of the major physiological systems during infancy, childhood, adolescence (0-18 years).
Knowledge of the main childhood diseases. Of particular importance is the ability to recognise the conditions which require urgent attention and the diseases which require the expertise of a specialist. In the context of chronic diseases, which will affect patients throughout their entire lives, the importance of the associated social aspects is highlighted.
When relevant, the problem of prevention is dealt with.
Indications about taking a medical history (which requires particular methods of communication, given that the patients are children), performing a physical examination (in children of different ages) are provided, as well as indications for differential diagnosis, therapeutic and, where required, rehabilitation interventions.
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of the course the student should:
· be able to take a medical history by communicating both with the parent and, possibly, with the child, considering the different age-appropriate methods (0-18 years) and the socio-cultural status of the family;
· be able to perform a physical examination taking into account the age of the patient as well as their clinical condition;
· know and understand the characteristic features and developmental changes of the major organ and physiological systems during infancy, childhood, adolescence (namely those which undergo significant changes, eg. the kidney, the hematopoietic system, the immune system etc.);
· know and understand the physiological characteristics of somatic growth;
· know and understand the main pediatric diseases of the different age groups, their differential diagnoses and therapeutic interventions, and recognise the conditions which require the expertise of a specialist;
· know and understand, in particular, the chronic diseases that will affect patients their entire lives; knowledge of the treatments, including possible rehabilitation therapies, and their social implications, is required;
· know and understand the main emergency pathological situations, their alarm symptoms, the first-line emergency treatment to perform; recognise when it is necessary to send the patient to a hospital casualty department;
· know and understand the preventive measures for childhood illnesses, with particular regard for those of great social impact;
· be able to communicate with patients and their families with respect and empathy.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Linea: Policlinico

Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of Anatomy, Physiology and general diseases (exams already passed)
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral examinations focused on the topics developed during lectures and included in the Syllabus
The mark will be expressed out of thirties
General and subspecialty paediatrics
Course syllabus
Approach in Pediatrics
- Anamnesis and clinical assessment
- Growth
- Psychomotor develoment
- The interaction with the patient and the family
- The Family Pediatrician in Italy
- Pediatrics and Global Health

- The newborn infant
- The newborn infant with disease
- Neurological damage and development

Endocrinologia, metabolismo e nutrizione
- Breastfeeding and complementary feeding
- Infant formulae
- Nutrition through the pediatric age
- Nutrition-related disorders
- Inborn errors of metabolism
- Metabolic syndrome in pediatrics
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Growth faltring
- Puberty and sexual differentiotion.

- Acute diarrhoea
- Malabsorption sindrome, glute-related disorders and diet
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Liver disorders

Immunologia e Reumatologia
- Immune deficiencies
- Kawasaki disease
- Schönlein-Henoch
- Vasculitis of different origin
- Rheumatologic autoimmune disorders
- Rheumatic Disease
- Idiopathic juvenile artyritis

Respiratory diseases and infections
- Upper respiratory tract infections
- Lower respiratory tract infections
- Meningitis and meningoencephalitis
- Tubercolosis
- Main systemic infectious diseases
- Fever in Pediatrics
- Principles of antibiotic therapy
- Vaccines
- Asthma and main allergies

- Urinary tract infections
- Nephrotic syndrome
- Glomerulonephritis
- Acute renal failure
- Chronic renal failure
- Diet and kidney didorders

Oncoemathologic disorders
- Blood count and formula
- Anemias
- Disorders of platelets
- Leukemias
- Main pediatric tumors

Headache disorders
- Primary and secondary headache

Pediatric approach in the emergency ward
- The Triage
- The clinical evaluation
- Medical emergencies
- Surgical emergencies
- The interaction with families
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
- Zuccotti GV. Manuale di Pediatria. La pratica clinica. Esculapio 2016
- Lissauer T, Carroll W. Manuale di Pediatria. Quinta edizione. Edra 2018
- Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, Elsevier 2019
Child neuropsychiatry
Course syllabus
- Normal development
- Cerebral palsy
- Intellectual disabilities
- Epilepsy and other seizure disorders. Paroxysmal disorders other than epilepsy
- Psychiatric disorders of adolescence.
- Autism and autistic-like conditions
- Attention-deficiency and hyperactivity disorders (ADHD)
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
- Zuccotti GV. Manuale di Pediatria. La pratica clinica. Esculapio 2016
- Lissauer T, Carroll W. Manuale di Pediatria. Quinta edizione. Edra 2018
- Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, Elsevier 2019
Child neuropsychiatry
MED/39 - CHILD NEUROPSYCHIATRY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
General and subspecialty paediatrics
MED/38 - PAEDIATRICS - University credits: 5
Informal teaching: 16 hours
Lessons: 36 hours
: 16 hours

Linea: San Donato

Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of Anatomy, Physiology and general diseases (exams already passed)
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral examinations focused on the topics developed during lectures and included in the Syllabus
The mark will be expressed out of thirties
General and subspecialty paediatrics
Course syllabus
Approach in Pediatrics
- Anamnesis and clinical assessment
- Growth
- Psychomotor develoment
- The interaction with the patient and the family
- The Family Pediatrician in Italy
- Pediatrics and Global Health

- The newborn infant
- The newborn infant with disease
- Neurological damage and development

Endocrinologia, metabolismo e nutrizione
- Breastfeeding and complementary feeding
- Infant formulae
- Nutrition through the pediatric age
- Nutrition-related disorders
- Inborn errors of metabolism
- Metabolic syndrome in pediatrics
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Growth faltring
- Puberty and sexual differentiotion.

- Acute diarrhoea
- Malabsorption sindrome, glute-related disorders and diet
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Liver disorders

Immunologia e Reumatologia
- Immune deficiencies
- Kawasaki disease
- Schönlein-Henoch
- Vasculitis of different origin
- Rheumatologic autoimmune disorders
- Rheumatic Disease
- Idiopathic juvenile artyritis

Respiratory diseases and infections
- Upper respiratory tract infections
- Lower respiratory tract infections
- Meningitis and meningoencephalitis
- Tubercolosis
- Main systemic infectious diseases
- Fever in Pediatrics
- Principles of antibiotic therapy
- Vaccines
- Asthma and main allergies

- Urinary tract infections
- Nephrotic syndrome
- Glomerulonephritis
- Acute renal failure
- Chronic renal failure
- Diet and kidney didorders

Oncoemathologic disorders
- Blood count and formula
- Anemias
- Disorders of platelets
- Leukemias
- Main pediatric tumors

Headache disorders
- Primary and secondary headache

Pediatric approach in the emergency ward
- The Triage
- The clinical evaluation
- Medical emergencies
- Surgical emergencies
- The interaction with families
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
- Zuccotti GV. Manuale di Pediatria. La pratica clinica. Esculapio 2016
- Lissauer T, Carroll W. Manuale di Pediatria. Quinta edizione. Edra 2018
- Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, Elsevier 2019
Child neuropsychiatry
Course syllabus
- Normal development
- Cerebral palsy
- Intellectual disabilities
- Epilepsy and other seizure disorders. Paroxysmal disorders other than epilepsy
- Psychiatric disorders of adolescence.
- Autism and autistic-like conditions
- Attention-deficiency and hyperactivity disorders (ADHD)
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
- Zuccotti GV. Manuale di Pediatria. La pratica clinica. Esculapio 2016
- Lissauer T, Carroll W. Manuale di Pediatria. Quinta edizione. Edra 2018
- Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, Elsevier 2019
Child neuropsychiatry
MED/39 - CHILD NEUROPSYCHIATRY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
General and subspecialty paediatrics
MED/38 - PAEDIATRICS - University credits: 5
Informal teaching: 16 hours
Lessons: 36 hours
: 16 hours

Linea: San Giuseppe

Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of Anatomy, Physiology and general diseases (exams already passed)
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral examinations focused on the topics developed during lectures and included in the Syllabus
The mark will be expressed out of thirties
General and subspecialty paediatrics
Course syllabus
Approach in Pediatrics
- Anamnesis and clinical assessment
- Growth
- Psychomotor develoment
- The interaction with the patient and the family
- The Family Pediatrician in Italy
- Pediatrics and Global Health

- The newborn infant
- The newborn infant with disease
- Neurological damage and development

Endocrinologia, metabolismo e nutrizione
- Breastfeeding and complementary feeding
- Infant formulae
- Nutrition through the pediatric age
- Nutrition-related disorders
- Inborn errors of metabolism
- Metabolic syndrome in pediatrics
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Growth faltring
- Puberty and sexual differentiotion.

- Acute diarrhoea
- Malabsorption sindrome, glute-related disorders and diet
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Liver disorders

Immunologia e Reumatologia
- Immune deficiencies
- Kawasaki disease
- Schönlein-Henoch
- Vasculitis of different origin
- Rheumatologic autoimmune disorders
- Rheumatic Disease
- Idiopathic juvenile artyritis

Respiratory diseases and infections
- Upper respiratory tract infections
- Lower respiratory tract infections
- Meningitis and meningoencephalitis
- Tubercolosis
- Main systemic infectious diseases
- Fever in Pediatrics
- Principles of antibiotic therapy
- Vaccines
- Asthma and main allergies

- Urinary tract infections
- Nephrotic syndrome
- Glomerulonephritis
- Acute renal failure
- Chronic renal failure
- Diet and kidney didorders

Oncoemathologic disorders
- Blood count and formula
- Anemias
- Disorders of platelets
- Leukemias
- Main pediatric tumors

Headache disorders
- Primary and secondary headache

Pediatric approach in the emergency ward
- The Triage
- The clinical evaluation
- Medical emergencies
- Surgical emergencies
- The interaction with families
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
- Zuccotti GV. Manuale di Pediatria. La pratica clinica. Esculapio 2016
- Lissauer T, Carroll W. Manuale di Pediatria. Quinta edizione. Edra 2018
- Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, Elsevier 2019
Child neuropsychiatry
Course syllabus
- Normal development
- Cerebral palsy
- Intellectual disabilities
- Epilepsy and other seizure disorders. Paroxysmal disorders other than epilepsy
- Psychiatric disorders of adolescence.
- Autism and autistic-like conditions
- Attention-deficiency and hyperactivity disorders (ADHD)
Teaching methods
Basic knowledge of Anatomy, Physiology and general diseases (exams already passed)
Teaching Resources
- Zuccotti GV. Manuale di Pediatria. La pratica clinica. Esculapio 2016
- Lissauer T, Carroll W. Manuale di Pediatria. Quinta edizione. Edra 2018
- Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, Elsevier 2019
Child neuropsychiatry
MED/39 - CHILD NEUROPSYCHIATRY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
General and subspecialty paediatrics
MED/38 - PAEDIATRICS - University credits: 5
Informal teaching: 16 hours
Lessons: 36 hours
: 16 hours
Monday 1 - 2 pm (e-mail )
San Paolo Hospital, Via A di Rudinì 8, 20142 - Milano
Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Milano - Clinica Mangiagalli Via della Commenda 12, 2nd floor, Centro studi Motta"
Reception by appointment (mail to [email protected])
Contacting by email