Earth Sciences

Geologists and geophysicists study the planet Earth and the processes that regulate its functioning and dynamics at many different spatial and temporal scales. The Earth is a dynamic planet, where the ground surface can tremble, volcanoes erupt, currents and tides modify the coasts, mountains are modeled by uplift and erosion, winds and rivers transport and redistribute sediments sometimes invading inhabited areas. Geosciences study the causes and effects of the interactions between the geosphere, the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the biosphere and the consequences that the effects of ongoing climate change may have on human-planet interaction.

Studying Earth Sciences at the University of Milan: the main features and strengths of this area of studies and research.


The school of Earth Science is located in Milan, on via Mangiagalli 34.


  • Rooms from 600 to 603 - Via Pascal, 36-38
  • Rooms Parona, Stoppani, Taramelli, Chiesa, Di Napoli - via Mangiagalli 34
  • Rooms via Cicognara 7
  • Rooms A geo via Botticelli, 23
  • Rooms E geo via Botticelli, 24
  • Rooms D geo via Botticelli, 25
  • Rooms C geo via Botticelli, 26
  • Rooms B geo via Botticelli, 27
  • Rooms from 100 to 405 Via Celoria 26
  • Rooms from G1 to G40 Via Golgi, 19


Department of Earth Sciences "Ardito Desio"
Via Luigi Mangiagalli 34 - 20133 Milano

  • Struttura di Mineralogia, Petrografia, Geochimica e Giacimenti minerari
    Via Botticelli 23 - 20133 Milano
  • Struttura di Geofisica
    Via Cicognara 7 - 20129 Milano
  • Sezione di Geologia e Paleontologia 
    via Mangiagalli 34 - 20133 Milano

Academic Board Chairman's Office ‑ Course Administration 

Head: William Amato
email: [email protected]

Opening hours:
Tuesday and Thursday 9:30-11:30am


Via Celoria 18 - 20133 Milan